Appblocks Node SDK - includes libraries for SHIELD services and Function Blocks Configurations
SDK Usage
- To write a function,
npm install node-sdk -s
Run Handler / Function using run method by importing functions sdk from node-sdk.
import { functions } from "@appblocks/node-sdk";
export block_name = (req, res) => {
// business logic
npm install node-sdk
Before using shield, app need to be initialized.
Initialze the application using internals SDK
import { internals } from "@appblocks/node-sdk";
clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
Using the methods from shield sdk
import { shield } from "@appblocks/node-sdk";
const SheildExampleHandler = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// Get user details using shield
const userDetails = await shield.getUser(req);
// Get user uid using shield
const userUID = await shield.getUID(req);
} catch (error) {
// handle the error
Run SheildExampleHandler using run method from funciton sdk.
import { functions } from "@appblocks/node-sdk";
To run a function, There is 2 option
- Using CLI
bb start block_name
to start an individual block.
bb start
to start them all.
- Assigning a port manually using flags.
cd ./examples/functions-example/
node index.js --port=3000
the above command will run function in port 3000
go to to see more example.
Read Docs for advanced tooling