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A collection of user scripts by @Athari.
- Animator.ru: True Links
- Culture.ru: Unlocked
- Kinorium.com: Enhanced
- Premier.one: Enhanced
- ReYohoho: No Ads + Enhancements
See also: User CSS (@Athari's collection of user styles).
Install a 🐵 user script extension (choose one):
Tampermonkey for Chrome / Edge / Firefox / Safari
(currently closed source, most feature-rich) -
Violentmonkey for Chrome / Edge / Firefox
(open source) -
Greasemonkeyfor Firefox
(open source, minimalistic, outdated)
It is recommended to put the extension's button on the toolbar as it'll give access to the currently installed user scripts and their options.
Go to a user script below and click on its
badge. You'll see a preview of the script.
If at any point you want to disable or re-enable the script, click on the extension button
, then click on the toggle switch next to the script.
Improves navigation on Animator.ru:
- Displays long lists without pagination.
- Replaces script links (JavaScript) with real ones (href), so they can be opened in a new tab, copied, etc.
Fixes the bug causing the "Видеозапись недоступна для просмотра по решению правообладателя" error message.
- Always display directly hosted videos.
- Configurable image gallery thumbnail size.
Various enhancements:
- User collections usability
- Links to extra streaming providers
- Native lazy loading of images
- etc.
This user script is designed to be used in conjunction with the user style "Kinorium.com – Enhanced" .
Various enhancements and bug fixes:
- Fixed filtering for movies released before 1969.
- Changed from 10-year to 5-year ranges.
- Changed from sliders to fully expanded episode lists.
- IMDB and Kinopoisk ratings in movie lists.
- Direct links to episodes.
- Full episode titles in the video player.
- Extra filters (Soyuzmultfilm is the only real content on Premier)
This user script is designed to be used in conjunction with the user style "Premier.one – Enhanced" .
Removes video ads from video balancers of the online streaming service ReYohoho: Alloha, Collaps, HDVB, Lumex, Rezka, Turbo, Vibix, VideoCDN, VideoSeed etc.
Also applies minor enhancements, if possible: extra player speeds, design adjustments etc.