Extension Pack for an Atomist SDM to integrate SonarQube

atomist, automation, sdm, extension, pack, sonarqube, node
npm install @atomist/sdm-pack-sonarqube@1.0.2-ipcrm-fix-empty-channels.20190228120309



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Extension Pack for an Atomist SDM to integrate SonarQube.


This SDM pack enables you to scan your projects using SonarQube/SonarCloud. By default, the pack will fail your SDM goals if the scan does not pass your assigned quality gate (this behavior is configurable, see below).

There are three scanner types available. The first, is the sonar-scanner utilty that can be used by most languages. However, this scanner does require that you supply some configuration to the scanner in the form of a sonar-project.properties file (more details here). Alternatively, if you are using Maven projects this pack will automatically use the Maven integrated Sonar plugin which does not require configuration in your project (the POM is used to extract the required details). Finally, the pack also supports using the .NET Core sonarscanner tool. You must install this tool prior to analyzing projects of this type. Docs can be found here.


If you are working on projects that use Maven, you must install java and the maven utility. For .NET Core, you must install the sonarscanner tool as mentioned above in usage. Finally, for other languages use Sonar Scanner utility. See install instructions here


  1. First install the dependency in your SDM project
$ npm install @atomist/sdm-pack-sonarqube
  1. Install the support
import { SonarQubeSupport } from "@atomist/sdm-pack-sonarqube";
// [...]
const SonarScanGoal = new SonarScan();
  1. Add configuration to your client configuration
"sonar": {
    "enabled": true,
    "url": "<your sonarqube url>",
    "org": "<your sonarqube org>",
    "token": "<your sonarqube token>"

Note: If your SonarQube instance does not have orgnizations enabled simply use 'default-organization' as the value

  1. Optional configurations

All of the configuration options below should be added to the sonar section of your config

  • Global options
    • sonarScannerPath: Path to the sonar-scanner utility within your SDM. This is not required if the command is within your path.
    • sonarScannerArgs: Array of strings that should be passed to the Sonar scanner (sonar-scanner utility). Optional. This configuration item allows you to supply additional items, if required.
    • mvnSonarArgs: Array of strings that should be passed to the Maven based Sonar scanner. Optional. This configuration item allows you to supply additional items, if required.
    • warnOnMissingViableConfig: Should we issue a warning (instead of fail by default) if there is no way to determine how to run a Sonar scan? This would be the case where it's not a Maven project and is missing a sonar-project.properties file. If enabled, this will issue a warning in the Chat channel connected to this project, but your goals will not be failed. (Valid values, true/false. Default behavior is false.)
    • warnOnFailedQualityGate: Should we issue a warning (instead of fail by default) if a quality gate fails? (Valid values, true/false. Default behavior is false.)
    • cloneDeep: Shall we perform a full clone of the git repository? To make scans run faster, you may set this to false. However, SonarQube may not be able to auto-assign tickets based on git history if you set this to false (Atomist will perform a shallow clone at that point). (Valid values, true/false. Default behavior is true).
  1. Configure Webhooks

The SonarQube pack relies on webhooks being sent into atomist in order to process the results of your scans. To configure a webhook, see the Sonar documentation here. You may use Global or project level webhooks (though global are much more simple to manage). In order to obtain the value for your new webhook URL, start you SDM and review the log entry for the registration endpoints. In your log you will see something like this:

2019-01-07T04:18:46.236Z [m:64250] [info ] Registration successful: {"url":"wss://automation.atomist.com/registration/session:23658290-df49-49a 4-85dc-f9708c2bc2cf","jwt":"session:<secret>","endpoints":[{"url":"https://webhook.atomist.com/atomist/teams/<id>/ingestion/SonarScan/<secret>","team_id":"<id>","name":"SonarScan"}],"name":"ipcrmdemo-sdm","version":"0.1. 0"}

The url you want to use (in this example) is this one: https://webhook.atomist.com/atomist/teams/<id>/ingestion/SonarScan/<secret>

This URL should be the destination address for your webhook in SonarQube's configuration.


General support questions should be discussed in the #support channel on our community Slack team at atomist-community.slack.com.

If you find a problem, please create an issue.


You will need to install [node][] to build and test this project.

To run tests, define a GITHUB_TOKEN to any valid token that has repo access. The tests will create and delete repositories.

Define GITHUB_VISIBILITY=public if you want these to be public; default is private. You'll get a 422 response from repo creation if you don't pay for private repos.

Build and Test

Command Reason
npm install install all the required packages
npm run build lint, compile, and test
npm run lint run tslint against the TypeScript
npm run compile compile all TypeScript into JavaScript
npm test run tests and ensure everything is working
npm run clean remove stray compiled JavaScript files and build directory


To create a new release of the project, update the version in package.json and then push a tag for the version. The version must be of the form M.N.P where M, N, and P are integers that form the next appropriate semantic version for release. The version in the package.json must be the same as the tag. For example:

$ npm version 1.2.3
$ git tag -a -m 'The ABC release' 1.2.3
$ git push origin 1.2.3

The Travis CI build (see badge at the top of this page) will publish the NPM module and automatically create a GitHub release using the tag name for the release and the comment provided on the annotated tag as the contents of the release notes.

Created by Atomist. Need Help? Join our Slack team.