
Another cli build tool and Angular CLI architect builder plugin for building Angular application and library projects.

angular, angular6, angular7, angular-build-tool, angular-library, angular-app-build, angular-cli, angular-architect-builder, angular-devKit, angular-rollup, angular-webpack, build-tool, html-inject, Octalhouse, angular-build, angular-lib-build, angular5, asp-net-core, favicon-generator, html-injection, ngb-cli, rollup, typescript, webpack
npm install @bizappframework/angular-build@7.0.1



What is this?

Easy and customizable angular build system based on angular-cli. Build config file is similar to angular-cli.json but includes some customizations:

  • Webpack config file to project folder in order to integrate with some packages such as Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Webpack
  • DLL bundling support for optimizing webpack build time in development, see DllPlugin, DllReferencePlugin
  • Multiple app configs suitable for client/server apps, see Angular Universal
  • Online or offline favicons generation - integration with realfavicongenerator and haydenbleasel/favicons
  • Customizable html injection support, single or separate output file(s) for bundled tags (styles, scripts, favicons), and can add custom link and script attribues (such as asp-append-version) to injected result
  • Build target overrides support - e.g. for AoT build -> "aot": { "main": "main.browser.aot.ts", "tsconfig": "../tsconfig.webpack.aot.json" }, for Prod build -> prod: { "extractCss": true }
  • Easy configuration with angular-build.json


Angular-Cli is a great tool for building angular apps! I tried and tested it in my asp.net core angular projects for long weeks. I like its configuration (angular-cli.json) because it is easy and understandable. However, for some environments (such as ASP.Net Core), we want to inject bundled tags to partial views (separate cshtml files), add custom tag attributes (such as defer, asp-append-version), support for server-side prerendering, and more. So we made this package.

Quick Start:

Make sure you have Node version >= 6.9.1 and npm >= 3.

1. Installation

For global installation,

npm i @bizappframework/angular-build -g

Or, for local installation,

npm i @bizappframework/angular-build --save-dev

2. Build/bundle your angular app

# Change to your project directory
cd <your-project-dir>

# Init config files 
# Note: If you installed globally, 
# run 'ngb init -l' to link global installed @bizappframework/angular-build
ngb init  

# Wait a few minutes and then build your angular app
ngb build

# Run your app

Ways to build your angular apps:

You can build your angular apps using one of the following ways.

1. Using 'ngb build' cli command

For dll build:

ngb build --dll

# Or
ngb build --environment.dll=true

For development build:

ngb build

For production build:

ngb build --production

# Or
ngb build --environment.prod=true

For production AoT build:

ngb build --aot

# Or
ngb build --environment.prod=true --environment.aot=true

For custom environment build:

# ngb build --environment.[name]=[value]

# e.g. for environment universal
ngb build --environment.universal=true

For more info, type 'ngb build -h'

2. Using npm scripts

#For dll build:
npm run build:dll

#For development build:
npm run build

#For production build:
npm run build:prod

#For production AoT build:
npm run build:aot

3. Using WebpackDevMiddleware - (Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Webpack)

Add the following code to Startup.cs.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
    // Other configurations...

    if (env.IsDevelopment())
        app.UseWebpackDevMiddleware(new WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions
          ConfigFile = "webpack.config.js",
          HotModuleReplacement = true

    // Other configurations...

More about 'ngb init':

# To init required config file for your app
ngb init

# To  init with ask/prompt
ngb init -p

# To init and link globally installed angular-build cli to your project
ngb init -l

# More about init, show help
ngb init -h



The main configuration file to build your angular apps. It is similar to angular-cli config file - 'angular-cli.json'. The following is an example configuration.

  "apps": [
      // The root directory of angular app.
      "root": "Client",

      // The output directory for build/bundled result.
      "outDir": "wwwroot",

      // The entry for app bootstrap main file.
      "main": "main.browser.ts",

      // The asset entries to be copied to output directory.
      "assets": [

      // Global style entries to be included in the build. 
      // Supported styles are .css, .scss, .less and .stylus.
      "styles": [

      // The entries for app polyfills to be imported to the main entry.
      "polyfills": [

      // The entries for dll bundle.
      "dlls": [
          "entry": "rxjs.imports.ts",
          "importToMain": true
          "entry": "../package.json",
          "excludes": [

      // The typescript configuration file
      "tsconfig": "../tsconfig.app.json",

      // The favicon configuration file.
      "faviconConfig": "favicon-config.json",

      // The public url address of the output files.
      "publicPath": "/",

      // The html injection options.
      "htmlInjectOptions": {
        "scriptOutFileName": "../Views/Shared/_BundledScripts.cshtml",
        "stylesOutFileName": "../Views/Shared/_BundledStyles.cshtml",
        "iconsOutFileName": "../Views/Shared/_FavIcons.cshtml",
        "customTagAttributes": [
            "tagName": "link",
            "attribute": {
              "asp-append-version": true
            "tagName": "script",
            "attribute": {
              "asp-append-version": true

      // Source file for environment config.
      "environmentSource": "environments/environment.ts",

      // Build target overrides
      "buildTargetOverrides": {

        // For development build
        "dev": {
          // Default - true
          "referenceDll": true

        // For production build
        "prod": {
           // The environment file for the build target
           "environmentFile": "environments/environment.prod.ts",

          // Default - false
          "sourceMap": false,

          // Default - true
          "extractCss": true,

          // Module replacement for production build
          "moduleReplacements": [
              "resourceRegExp": "angular2-hmr",

              // Path is relative to project root dir, Default - angular-build's empty.js module
              "newResource": "empty.js"

        "aot": {
          // For aot build with ngc, by default it uses ngtools/webpack if main entry does not end with *.aot.ts
          "main": "main.browser.aot.ts",
          "tsconfig": "../tsconfig.app.aot.json"

        // For universal build
        "universal": {
          "main": "main.universal.browser.ts"

The typescript model is here.


const getWebpackConfigs = require('@bizappframework/angular-build').getWebpackConfigs;

module.exports = function (env) {
    const configs = getWebpackConfigs(__dirname, { environment: env });
    if (!configs || !configs.length) {
        throw new Error('No webpack config available.');

    return configs;

Pre-configured webpack config models for your angular apps can be get by 'getWebpackConfigs' function. The role of this function is to provide webpack config models by parsing 'angular-build.json' file.
If you use 'ngb build' cli command, this file will be skiped.


  // Your API key. No key yet? Register it now.
  "apiKey": "87d5cd739b05c00416c4a19cd14a8bb5632ea563",

  // Indicate how the master picture (used to generate the various favicon pictures) is transmitted to RealFaviconGenerator.
  "masterPicture": "favicon.svg",

  // These values reflect the various choices offered when you generate a favicon manually.
  "design": {
    "desktopBrowser": {},
    "androidChrome": {
      "pictureAspect": "noChange",
      "assets": {
        "legacyIcon": false,
        "lowResolutionIcons": false
    "ios": {
      "pictureAspect": "backgroundAndMargin",
      "margin": "0",
      "assets": {
        "declareOnlyDefaultIcon": true

  // The background color applied as the background of the icon.
  "background": "#ffffff",

  // Use online realfavicongenerator.net only.
  "online": false,

  // If true, first try to generate using realfavicongenerator.net, if failed, use local generator.
  "preferOnline": true

For more information see realfavicongenerator.net, ** note use lower camel case instead and replace 'favicon_design' with 'design'.
The typescript model is here

