
The Magic decorator is used to define custom behavior for fundamental operations.

__isset, __unset, __set, __get, __call, __issetStatic, __unsetStatic, __setStatic, __getStatic, __callStatic, call, decorators, getter, isset, magic, setter, typescript, unset
npm install @botstan/magic@1.0.5


The Magic

The magic library is a decorator to define custom behavior for classes in Typescript.


It's easy to use just before coding set "experimentalDecorators": true in tsconfig.json and wirte your classes like bellow example:

import Magic from "@botstan/magic";

export class MyClass
    [key: string]: any;

     * The __isset() method is called when code calls 
     * `name in $instance` or `if ($instance[name])` on a 
     * property that is not accessible. It accepts one 
     * argument, which is the name of the property. It 
     * should return a Boolean value representing the 
     * existence of a value.
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {boolean}
    public __isset (name: string): boolean

     * The __unset() method is called when code attempts to 
     * `delete $instance[name]` a property that is not 
     * accessible. It accepts one argument, which is the 
     * name of the property.
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {void}
    public __unset (name: string): void

     * The __set() method is called when code attempts to 
     * change the value a property that is not accessible.
     * It accepts two arguments, which are the name of the 
     * property and the value.
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {*} value
     * @returns {void}
    public __set (name: string, value: any): void

     * The __get() method is called when code attempt 
     * access a property that is not accessible. It accepts 
     * one argument, which is the name of the property. It 
     * should return a value, which will be treated as the 
     * value of the property.
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {*}
    public __get (name: string): any

     * The __call() is called when code attempts to call 
     * inaccessible or nonexistent methods. It accepts 
     * three arguments: the action name, the name of the 
     * called method and an array of arguments.
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {object} args
     * @returns {(boolean | void)} 
    public __call (action: string, name: string, args: object): any

     * The __issetStatic() method is called when code calls 
     * `name in $class` or `if ($class[name])` on a 
     * static property that is not accessible. It accepts 
     * one argument, which is the name of the property. It 
     * should return a Boolean value representing the 
     * existence of a value.
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {boolean}
    public __issetStatic (name): boolean

     * The __unsetStatic() method is called when code 
     * attempts to `delete $class[name]` a static property 
     * that is not accessible. It accepts one argument, 
     * which is  the name of the property.
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {void}
    public __unsetStatic (name): void

     * The __set() method is called when code attempts to 
     * change the value a static property that is not 
     * accessible. It accepts two arguments, which are the 
     * name of the property and the value.
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {*} value
     * @returns {void}
    public __setStatic (name, value): void

     * The __getStatic() method is called when code attempt 
     * access a static property that is not accessible. It 
     * accepts one argument, which is the name of the 
     * property. It should return a value, which will be 
     * treated as the value of the property.
     * @param {string} name
     * @returns {*}
    public __getStatic (name): any

     * The __call() is called when code attempts to call 
     * inaccessible or nonexistent static methods. It 
     * accepts three arguments: the action name, the name 
     * of the called method and an array of arguments.
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {object} args
     * @returns {(boolean | void)} 
    public __callStatic (action: string, name: string, args: object): any