
Express middleware to handle Rackspace uploads

npm install @bouncingpixel/rackspace-uploads@0.5.0


@bouncingpixel NodeJS NPM Packages

A set of re-usable packages, many which are wrappers. All are available in the @bouncingpixel/ scope on NPM.

Each package in this group has specific documentation on what it is used for and how to impliment it and/or configure it.

Package List

Linking each of the individual packages with it's README.md file


Config Loader

Datatable Routes

Default Express

Dust Helpers

Error Router

Express Async Patch

Express Handler Routing

Express Redirector

Express View Routing

HTTP Errors

Mailgun Emails

Massive Passport Impl

Massive Postgres DB

Mongoose ACL

Mongoose DB

Mongoose Helpers

Mongoose Passport Impl

Nocaptcha Middleware

Passport Auth

Pixel Validate

Rackspace Uploads

Send SMTP Emails

Universal Response