
CaféX Live Assist Bot SDK

npm install @cafex/liveassist-botsdk-js@1.0.1


CaféX Live Assist BOT SDK - nodejs

The CaféX Live Assist SDK provides a means for an automated chat endpoint (a bot) to escalate a conversation such that the visitor can interact with a (human) agent in CaféX Live Assist.

The SDK is designed to be used server-side in a nodejs environment.

Once a bot has determined that it wants to put the visitor in touch with an agent, the SDK is employed and a call made to request a chat. Subsequent operation involves polling the SDK for data relating to the conversation. Thereafter the bot behaves as a relay between the visitor and the agent.


npm install @cafex/liveassist-botsdk-js


Please see the Quickstart Guide for instructions on how to start using the SDK in an Azure Web App Bot. The Live Assist Knowledge Base provides further information and more advanced uses of the SDK.