
Simple table to use in list views

angular2, table
npm install @calle/ng2-table@3.0.0



Simple table for list views

Run the example code

  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • npm start
  • navigate to localhost:3000 in web browser

How to use

  • Install module: npm install --save @calle/ng2-table
  • Import module and register with your app component import { Ng2TableModule } from '@calle/ng2-table'
  • Use the config interface import { TableConfigModel } from '@calle/ng2-table'

HTML Template:



myData = [
  { userId: '1', userName: 'Calle' },
  { userId: '2', userName: 'Nisse' }
myConfig: TableConfigModel = {
  columnDefs: [
      field: 'userId',
      headerText: 'ID',
      sortDefault: true, // sort by this column upon init, "sortDefaultReverse"
                         // sorts this column in reverse order
      cellNgStyle: {
        'text-align':'right' // style the content of the cell
      width: '100px' // set the width of the column
      field: 'userName',
      headerTitle: 'Name',
      search: true
function rowClicked ({$event, columnDef, rowData, rowIndex}) {
  console.log('Original mouse event:', $event)
  console.log('Row data:', rowData)
  console.log('Row index:', rowIndex)

function cellItemClicked ({$event, columnDef, rowData, rowIndex}) {
  console.log('Original mouse event:', $event)
  console.log('Column definition:', columnDef)
  console.log('Row data:', rowData)
  console.log('Row index:', rowIndex)

Adding a button column:

myConfig = {
  columnDefs: [
      headerText: 'Super button',
      cellItem: {
        type: 'button',
        staticContent: 'XXX',
        cellItemNgClass: 'btn btn-sm'

function buttonClicked({columnDef, rowData}) {
  console.log('spec for column: ', columnDef)
  console.log('row data: ', rowData)