
A WIP tool to refine npm publish process.

npm install @canary-109cafe/nppr__core-play@0.0.0-generate-publish-scr.12891953182




What's this?

This project aims to make these flows work:

1. Build once, distribute everywhere:

Build once: First you will build your library, and run npm pack to create a tarball once.

Distribute everywhere: nppr --repack will help you transform the tarball into a new one with a modified package.json.

This is useful if you want to distribute the same package:

  • to different platforms (e.g. npm, github packages, github releases, etc.)
  • with different names (e.g. first @canary-x scoped packages, then promote to unscoped packages)
  • with different version

2. Generate the provenance and attest it - without publishing the package

You can generate the provenance of the tarball and attest it with nppr --provenance.

This usually happens in the CI/CD pipeline.

This also supports multiple packages in single provenance file. (Not tested yet)

3. Publishing the package with provenance anywhere

So you could publish the package anywhere you want without losing the provenance attached.

Such as: outside CI/CD, private platform inside an organization, private CI/CD pipelines

4. Publishing to npm with condensed manifest without modifying package.json

This helps make package spec (https://<registry>/<package>) as small as possible without the need to modify package.json in build phase.

5. Repack/Attest/Publishing multiple packages at once

Multiple tarballs are supported as inputs.

Project Status

nppr-core - Core APIs

  • feat: repack
  • feat: provenance
  • feat: publish
  • tests
  • release
  • docs

nppr - Node.js CLI

  • feat: repack
  • feat: provenance
  • feat: publish
  • tests
  • release
  • docs