
Straight forward cached object factory

cache, factory, shortlived
npm install @candlefw/cached_factory@1.2.1-0


CandleFW Cached Factory

Cached object factory for frequently created, short-lived objects.


npm install -s @candlefw/cached_factory


import cached_factory from "@candlefw/cached_factory";

function ObjectConstructor (array) { this.name = ""; this.id= 0; this.referencing_object = (array.push(this), array)}

//Optional (Recommended) initialization function used to reset the values of an Object instance.
function initializer(object, ...args){
	object.name = "";
	object.id = "";
	object.referencing_object = (args[0].push(this), args[0]);

//Optional function to call when an Object instance is returned to the cache through cached_factory.destroy
function destructor(object){
	//Remove references to this object and other object to allow normal garbage collection to occur.
	object.referencing_object = null;

function CachedObjectConstructor = cached_factory(ObjectConstructor, {initializer, destructor});

Use the "CachedObjectConstuctor" as you would any other Constructor:

const object_instance = new CachedObjectConstructor(array);

//... Including using class syntax.
class object_instance_class extends CachedObjectConstructor {};

Collect the cached object to return it to the cache pool:



  • options:initializer - Function - Called when an object is created or retrieved from the cache pool. The object is bound to the functions this value, and it receives the same arguments that are original passed to the original construction function.

If object.prototype.initializer is defined, this function will be used regardles of any value set for options:initilizer.

  • options:destructor - Function - Called when an object released to back to cache pool through cached_factory.collect. The collected object is bound to the functions this value. No arguments are passed to this function.

If object.prototype.destructor is defined, this function will be used regardles of any value set for options:destructor.

  • options:pool - Integer - Number of cached objects to prefill the cache with. When used with options:release, the cache will be reduced to this number when the release period occures.

  • options:release - Integer - Time in milliseconds between periods which the cache will be reduced to the value of options:pool.