npm install @canonical/react-ssr@0.9.0-experimental.4


DS-25 - Canonical's new design system

Canonical's new design system. This is the successor to Vanilla framework.

Getting started

  1. Install NodeJS version 20 or later.
  2. Install the bun package manager.
  3. Install Node dependencies: bun install.

The monorepo's dependencies should now be installed.

Binary bun lockfile

Bun's lockfile (bun.lockb) is currently binary. This can cause issues with resolving git conflicts when switching branches or pulling changes from remote.

You can mitigate this issue locally by configuring your git client to read Bun lockfiles as text: git config diff.lockb.textconv bun && git config diff.lockb.binary true.

This will no longer be necessary once Bun switches to a text-based lockfile.


The design system is structured as a monorepo. It contains many sub-packages for applications, configurations, and other packages.

The monorepo should not be considered to be a single project that is run as a whole. Each of its packages are separate modules that can be worked on independently.

  • apps/: Core applications consuming the design system. These could be documentation sites, boilerplates, etc.
  • configs/: Recommended configurations for linters, build tools, etc.
  • packages/: Modules that consume configurations and are consumed by applications.

Package scripts

We currently use Lerna to run package scripts across all packages in the monorepo. This enables us to run tasks for all packages, taking advantage of concurrency and task result caching.

Generally, you will be working on a small number of packages at a time, so we recommend switching to the directory of whatever package you are working on and running the appropriate scripts (bun run check, for example) on a per-package basis.

In cases where running tasks across the entire monorepo is necessary, lerna run should be used. For example, the command lerna run build will run the build script specified in the scripts of each package.json in the monorepo.

Recommended package scripts

Each package should define the following scripts in package.json:

  • check: Lints, formats, and (if applicable) type-checks the package.
  • check:fix: Lints, formats, type-checks, and fixes issues where possible.
  • test: Runs tests for the package.

If a package has a build step, it should also define:

  • build: Builds the package as preparation for publishing or use by its dependencies.

By creating these scripts in each package, the build and check tasks will be included in the monorepo's CI workflow, helping to avoid build errors later.


JavaScript documentation should be written with TSDoc.

Monorepo & Types

The @types dependencies required by the monorepo packages and apps are by default hoisted in the root node_modules. However, this behaviour has two downsides :

  • It can lead to conflicts between the types of different packages, for instance bun and node export overlapping types.
  • Consumption of types in packages and apps are not explicit, leading to issues that are difficult to debug.

For this reason, we have opted for explicitly declaring the @types dependencies both in the package.json under @devDependencies and in tsconfig.json under compilerOptions/types for each package and app.

Notes for developers

  • To clean dependencies and build cache artifacts, run bun run special:clean (which resolves to rm -rf node_modules .nx).
  • In some cases, you might want to additionally remove package builds with rm -rf ./**/dist.