
ESLint configuration for the Center for Open Science

Center for Open Science, COS, eslint, eslintconfig, javascript, styleguide, ember, eslint-shareable-configs, style-guide
npm install @centerforopenscience/eslint-config@1.0.1


Center for Open Science JavaScript Style

JavaScript Style based on AirBnB's JavaScript Guide

npm version Build Status


Generic ESLint configuration for the Center for Open Science

Based on AirBnB's JavaScript Guide, with a few notable exceptions including:

  • Indentation of 4 spaces instead of 2
  • Allow for..of loops
  • Allow ++
  • Turn off some import rules and make others warnings
  • max-len is a warning, until we get the various repos cleaned up


Add the following to your ESLint config file:

    "extends": "@centerforopenscience"

Note: ESLint automatically appends /eslint-config so it is not necessary to add it here.


Ember ESLint configuration for the Center for Open Science

Based on COS's Base Config with eslint-plugin-ember

Since route-able components aren't stable, this is unnecessary:

  • alias-model-in-controller

This will produce too many errors or warnings to count, so for now, it's turned completely off:

  • use-ember-get-and-set

The following are set to warnings, but will become errors later:

  • no-observers
  • no-function-prototype-extensions
  • named-functions-in-promises
  • order-in-components
  • order-in-routes
  • order-in-controllers


Add the following to your ESLint config file:

    "extends": "@centerforopenscience/eslint-config/ember"

Note: You must include /eslint-config in the path for non-default configurations.