
Utils to connect your frontend to a codamai cms instance with TS or JS.

util, cms, headless, codamai, vue, react, angular
npm install @codamic/codamai-utils@1.0.11


Codamai Headless CMS Connector

Use this library to connect a frontend to a codamai headless CMS system easily. With a codamai headless CMS you get default CRUD-L (Create, Read, Update, Delete, List (Query)) Endpoints. This library is an easy way to access your data.

Codamai Headless CMS Information

Codamai CMS is a headless CMS for ERP systems. You can configure your own CMS with keycloak user management, ready to use, docker ready CMS, stored in your own git repository. See https://www.codamai-cms.com for further details.


Access to non-public endpoints in the codamai cms requires a bearer auth token. You can set the token by insert current auth token into session storage "authToken".

Install via npm

npm install -s codamai-utils

use in your project

import { CodamaiCmsApi } from '@codamic/codamai-utils'

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('%baseUrl%', '%CmsGroup%', '%CmsModel%', GroupModel.prototype)

Replace %baseUrl%, %CmsGroup% and %CmsModel% with your CMS specified details.

Response of CMS

The Codamai REST API is a graphql-like query. You use it like this:

const response = {
    id: true,
    prename: true,
    address: {  // we get only id and street of address model
        id: true,
        street: true
    animal: {
        '*': true, // all string, number, etc information of animal, but no lists or models.
        'name': false // exclude name from response
    connections: {
        'db-*': true // all properties start with "db-" 

Why not graphql?

We decided to make an easier query api instead of graphql. Remembering graphql is developed by Facebook. They have other requirements than an ERP System. So we will add a graphql support if required. Please feed free to add a feature request.


create object

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('https://myapp.com/cms/', 'customer', 'person', CustomerPerson.prototype)
const responsePerson = await API.create({prename: 'Daniel', 'lastname': 'Mertins'}, {'*': true})
console.log(responsePerson.id) // --> results new database id

Read Object by ID

Fetch an object by its id, return all values requested in second param.

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('https://myapp.com/cms/', 'customer', 'person', CustomerPerson.prototype)
const person = await API.read('1111-2222-3333-4444', {id: true, prename: true, lastname: true})

You can use wildcards and get all base fields as response.

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('https://myapp.com/cms/', 'customer', 'person', CustomerPerson.prototype)
const person = await API.read('1111-2222-3333-4444', {'*': true})

update (replace) object

Use simple update to overwrite a hole object. CMS could be deleting child models if CMS settings are set. You can fetch a response if you need to update your frontend. If not required, just fetch "id" and ignore response.

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('https://myapp.com/cms/', 'customer', 'person', CustomerPerson.prototype)
const responsePerson = await API.update({prename: 'Daniel', 'lastname': 'Mertins'}, {'*': true})

patch update object (recommended)

Same as update, but PATCH Update only check the particular send data. Use this if no other reason is given.

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('https://myapp.com/cms/', 'customer', 'person', CustomerPerson.prototype)
const responsePerson = await API.patch({prename: 'Daniel', 'lastname': 'Mertins'}, {'*': true})

delete an object

Delete an object doesn't have a response. It will work or throw an error.

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('https://myapp.com/cms/', 'customer', 'person', CustomerPerson.prototype)
try {
    await API.delete('1111-2222-3333-4444')
} catch (e) {
    console.log(e) // should give you more informations. 

Search and list objects

List and search is more complex of course.

List Customer Persons where field "city" is "Wiesbaden" AND "name" like "Dan" OR lastname like "Dan".

const API = new CodamaiCmsApi('https://myapp.com/cms/', 'customer', 'person', CustomerPerson.prototype)
let page = 0 // first page
let perPage = 10 // items per page
let sortBy = 'prename' // field to sort
const queryLogic = Logic.AND(
    Filter.equals("city", "Wiesbaden"),
        Filter.like("name", "Dan%"),
        Filter.like("lastname", "%Dan%")
const responsePerson = await API.list(page, perPage, queryLogic, sortBy, 'ASC', {'*': true})