
Desktop GUI for managing Cypress projects.

cypress, desktop-gui, electron-app
npm install @cypress/core-desktop-gui@0.4.0


Cypress Core Desktop Gui CircleCI


The desktop GUI is the desktop application installed to the user's OS using the cypress install command from the Cypress CLI or through direct download.

The desktop GUI has the following responsibilities:

  • Allowing users to login through GitHub.
  • Allowing users to add projects to be tested in Cypress.
  • Displaying existing projects and allowing the removal of projects.
  • Initializing the server to run on a specific project.
  • Allowing users to choose a specific browser to run tests within.
  • Displaying the resolved configuration of a running project.
  • Displaying the list of tests of a running project.
  • Initializing the run of a specific test file or all tests chosen by the user.
  • Notifying users of updates to Cypress and initializing update process.


npm install @cypress/core-desktop-gui


To run the GUI in dev mode, you need to run the Cypress App.

  • Navigate to cypress-app and run the following commands:
npm i
npm start

The GUI should now be in your taskbar. Click in the taskbar to open it.

In your console, you will probably see the following error:

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
 > It looks like you're not running the local api server in development. This may cause problems running the GUI.

In order to access the api to do things like logging into the GUI, we need to run the Cypress API. Navigate to cypress-api and run the following commands:

npm i
npm start

If you get any errors doing the above commands, go through the install instructions of the cypress-api app.


npm test


If you want to see the ipc events which are pending from Cypress tests:

  • Switch to 'Your App' frame
  • App.ipc() <-- returns you object with pending events




0.4.5 - (02/11/17)

  • added --record flag

0.4.4 - (02/11/17)

  • more slug renaming

0.4.3 - (02/10/17)

  • updated content
  • renamed slugs

0.4.2 - (02/10/17)

  • merged missed PR

0.4.1 - (02/10/17)

  • display runs
  • new settings areas
  • request access
  • add project to Dashboard

0.4.0 - (01/04/17)

  • builds list, adding project for ci

0.3.15 - (01/29/17)

  • display all scaffolded files

0.3.14 - (01/29/17)

  • LGPL -> MIT
  • correctly replace new lines on errors
  • rename sessionToken -> authToken
  • display full list of scaffolded files

0.3.13 - (11/15/16)

  • camelize session token

0.3.12 - (11/14/16)

  • fix missing lib js file

0.3.11 - (11/14/16)

  • updated config to display 'env' property instead of inaccurately named 'environmentVariables' property

0.3.10 - (10/14/16)

  • missing lib folder

0.3.9 - (10/14/16)

  • fixed errors with undefined values being called

0.3.8 - (10/13/16)

  • explain how to manually update cypress during update fail

0.3.7 - (10/05/16)

  • shrinkwrap to prevent breaking dep change

0.3.6 - (10/03/16)

  • deploy proper prod files, fix mobx action undefined values

0.3.5 - (09/13/16)

  • previously chosen browser is saved per user and selected by default

0.3.4 - (08/31/16)

  • fix github focus button

0.3.3 - (08/30/16)

  • added applying updates view

0.3.2 - (08/30/16)

  • fixes dist dir and updates.html

0.3.1 - (08/30/16)

  • fix for incorrect references in index.html

0.3.0 - (08/30/16)

  • new UI, migrated to react


  • renamed Login -> Log In


  • internal updates to cypress.json settings change notification


  • display list of launchable browsers
  • handle error when no browsers available


  • updated node version to 5.10.0


  • added link to gitter chat in options popup


  • added specific error msg and link to docs on unauthed login


  • updated license


  • renamed to cypress-core-desktop-gui
  • removed dead code


  • initial release