Lib to generate and validate a merkle tree of content hashes

Merkle tree, Hash, Content Hashes
npm install @dcl/content-hash-tree@1.1.2-20220310184123.commit-f952147



NPM version Install Size

Idea from @uniswap/merkle-distributor

Local Development

The following assumes the use of node@>=10.

Install Dependencies

npm ci


Generate a tree

import { generateTree } from '@dcl/content-hash-tree'

const contentHashes = ['hash1', 'hash2', 'hash3']

const tree = generateTree(contentHashes)

Verify whether a contnet hash is part of the tree or not

import { verifyProof } from '@dcl/content-hash-tree'

const contentHashes = ['hash1', 'hash2', 'hash3']
const proof = tree.getProof(0, contentHashes[0])
const root = tree.getHexRoot()

const isPartOfTheTree = verifyProof(0, contentHashes[0], proof, root)

CLI (Benchmark)

Generate a tree with content hashes

npm run generate-merkle-root:data

~10k items: time to completion 788.8ms. Json size: 10mb ~100k items: time to completion 6.7s. Json size: 124mb

This will generate a proofs.json file in the root of the project.

Verify a single proof of a tree with ~100k leafs

npm run verify-merkle-root:proof

Time to completion 9.294ms. Json size: 4kb