
Fastify Google Cloud Run configuration

fastify, google, cloud, run
npm install @ert78gb/fastify-google-cloud-run-options@2.0.1


Fastify Google Cloud Run options

Require: Node >=14.17.0

The package contains default configuration of the fastify in the Google Cloud Run.

Cloud Run automatically logs the request. The request contains the httpRequest information so not needed to log it by fastify.

Google Cloud Log Explorer group the logs by trace property. The trace property is the equivalent with the reqId of fastify.

The lib contains the following options

  • disableRequestLogging: true disable fastify request logging
  • requestIdLogLabel: 'logging.googleapis.com/trace' rename the requestId log label
  • read the trace value from the X-Cloud-Trace-Context request header
  • uses the pino logger options from the @ert78gb/pino-google-cloud-run-options package
import fastifyServerOptions from '@ert78gb/fastify-google-cloud-run-options'
import fastify from 'fastify'

// It is an asynchronous function because it reads the GCP_PROJECT ID from the GCP metaserver 
const options = await fastifyServerOptions();
const app = fastify(options)

// OR you can extend the options
const options = await fastifyServerOptions();
const app = fastify({
  // custom settings

If the app runs in development mode (not in the Cloud Run runtime) then the requestId is a sequence number.

  "logging.googleapis.com/trace": 1,