
a node wrapper for ezPAARSE

npm install @ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse@1.0.3



Node wrapper for the ezPAARSE API


npm install -g @ezpaarse-project/ezpaarse


ezp --help

Environnement variables

You can use environnement variables to set command options. Use the prefix "EZPAARSE_" followed by the option you want to set.

export EZPAARSE_SETTINGS=00-fr-bibcnrs

Global options

Name Type Description
-h, --host String ezPAARSE server hostname (ex: demo.ezpaarse.org)
-p, --proxy String a proxy server to use
--version Boolean Print the version number
--help Boolean Show some help

You can get help for any command by typing ezp <command> help.


ezp process [files..]

Let you process one or more files with an instance of ezPAARSE. If no files are provided, the command will listen to stdin. The results are printed to stdout, unless you set an output file with --out.


Name Type Description
-o, --out, --output String Output file
-H, --header, --headers String Add a header to the request (ex: "Reject-Files: all")
-d, --download String Download a file from the job directory
-v, --verbose Boolean Shows detailed operations
-s, --settings String Set a predefined setting


  # Simple case, process ezproxy.log and write results to result.csv
  ezp process ezproxy.log --out result.csv
  # Same as above, and download the report file
  ezp process ezproxy.log --out result.csv --download job-report.html
  # Download the report file with a custom path
  ezp process ezproxy.log --out result.csv --download job-report.html:./reports/report.html
  # Reading from stdin and redirecting stdout to file
  cat ezproxy.log | ezp process > result.csv

ezp bulk <sourceDir> [destDir]

Process files in sourceDir and save results in destDir. If destDir is not provided, results will be stored in sourceDir, aside the source files. When processing files recursively with the -r option, destDir will mimic the structure of sourceDir. Files will use the same or Files with existing results are skipped, unless the --force flag is set. By default, the result file and the job report are downloaded, but you can get additionnal files from the job directory by using the --download option.


Name Type Description
-H, --header, --headers String Add a header to the request
-s, --settings String Set a predefined setting
-r, --recursive Boolean Look for log files into subdirectories
-d, --download String Download a file from the job directory
-f, --force, --overwrite Boolean Overwrite existing files
-v, --verbose Boolean Shows detailed operations
-l, --list Boolean Only list log files in the directory


  # Simple case, processing files recursively from ezproxy-logs and storing results in ezproxy-results
  ezp bulk -r ezproxy-logs/ ezproxy-results/
  # Activating reject files and downloading unqualified log lines along results
  ezp bulk -r ezproxy-logs/ ezproxy-results/ -H "Reject-Files: all" --download lines-unqualified-ecs.log

ezp download <id> <files..>

Download one or more files from the directory of the job with the given id.


No options


  # Downloading job-report.json into the current directory
  ezp download 897efb30-f96e-11e9-9997-cd438c1e39d2 job-report.json
  # Downloading job-traces.log with a custom name
  ezp download 897efb30-f96e-11e9-9997-cd438c1e39d2 job-traces.log:897efb30-traces.log