
In many ways, this is the beating heart of Treecreeper&TM;. It consumes the schema files that define what sort of records can be stored in the neo4j instance, and what relationships can exist between them. These schema files may exist locally or be hosted

npm install @financial-times/tc-schema-sdk@0.6.5



Sandbox for working on the set of tools and services that make up the Biz Ops ecosystem at the FT

  • neo4j database
  • graphql api
  • rest api
  • ui components



  • nodejs 8
  • member of reliability-engineering github team
  • docker

Install dependencies:

make install

Start the neo4j community edition database. This requires the APOC procedures library to be added to a plugins directory:

make run-db


  • You may need to install wget in order to run ./scripts/neo4j-plugins. You can do this with brew by running brew install wget
  • If wget fails, visit https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures/releases, download version and save in ./neo4j/plugins
  • The make run-db command requires you to have an account with docker, (you should be able to do that here) and download the the docker application (you should be able to do that here)).

This can be done without docker if desired, by instead installing a neo4j database instance to the neo4j directory, the directory structure and scripts to run are the same as the docker configuration.

Running the application

make run

This will start the demo node process on port 8888. See /demo/app.js for details of the urls served


make test

Will start jest in watch mode