
A collection of command-line utilities to help maintain (AngularJS-related) GitHub repositories.

Private, Utility, AngularJS
npm install @gkalpak/ng-maintain@0.0.13


ng-maintain Build Status


A collection of command-line utilities to help maintain (AngularJS-related) GitHub repositories.


The following command-line tools are included:


The following test-types/modes are available:

  • Code-linting: npm run lint Lint JavaScript files using ESLint.

  • Unit tests: npm run test-unit Run all the unit tests once. These tests are quick and suitable to be run on every change.

  • E2E tests: npm run test-e2e Run all the end-to-end tests once. These test may hit actual API endpoints or perform expensive I/O operations and are considerably slower than unit tests.

  • All tests: npm test / npm run test Run all of the above tests (code-linting, unit tests, e2e tests). This command is automatically run before npm version and npm publish.

  • "Watch" mode: npm run test-watch Watch all files and rerun the unit tests whenever something changes. For performance reasons, code-linting and e2e tests are omitted.