
This library was generated with [Nx](https://nx.dev).

npm install @happ/prettier-config@2.5.0


Nx starter

Core setup for the nx applications


  1. Pnpm
  2. Nx workspace
  3. Npm check
  4. Force using pnpm
  5. Git
  6. Git flow
  7. Husky
  8. Commitlint
  9. Commitizen
  10. Conventional changelog
  11. Eslint
  12. Prettier
  13. Stylelint
  14. Editor config
  15. Used libraries
  16. Next steps
  17. Related projects
  18. Additional info


pnpm - package manager, which is much faster then npm and yarn

  1. Install a pnpm globally: npm i -g pnpm

Nx workspaces

Nx workspace

  1. Create a nx workspace: pnpx create-nx-workspace WORKSPACE_NAME --preset=empty --no-nxCloud --package-manager=pnpm --defaultBase=main

    pnpx - pnpm package runner

    1. WORKSPACE_NAME - name of workspace
    2. --preset=empty - preset to use
    3. --nxCloud - use nx cloud or not
    4. --package-manager=pnpm - default package manager
    5. --defaultBase=main - default git branch

Npm check

npm-check - package that check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.

  1. Install a npm-check only for development: pnpm i -D npm-check

  2. Update package.json with:

     		"scripts": {
     		 	"check-packages": "npm-check",
     		 	"update-packages": "npm-check -y"

Force using pnpm

Force usign pnpm throw please-use-pnpm error on npm or yarn use

  1. Create .npmrc in the root folder with:

     engine-strict = true
  2. Update package.json with:

     	"license": "...",
     	"engines": {
     		 "yarn": "please-use-pnpm",
     		 "npm": "please-use-pnpm",
     		 "pnmp": ">= 15.4.3"
     	"scripts": { ... }



  1. Add origin: git remote add origin https://github.com/happ-agency/nx-starter.git
  2. Set main branch: git branch -M main
  3. Push branch: git push -u origin main

Git flow

Git flow

  1. Create main branch: git branch -M main
  2. Create develop branch fron main: git checkout -b develop
  3. Create feature branch from develop: git checkout -b feature/xxx
  4. Create fix brabch from develop: git checkout -b fix/xxx
  5. Create release brabch from develop: git checkout -b release/xxx
  6. Create hotfix brabch from develop: git checkout -b hotfix/xxx
  1. We work in the develop branch.
  2. When we start work with the feature or fix, we create feature/xxx or fix/xxx from the develop.
  3. After finish the work we create pull request from the feat/xxx or fix/xxx to the develop.
  4. For the relase create release/xxx from the develop.
  5. For the publish create pull request from the release/xxx to the main.
  6. After the publish rebase main from the dev and rebase dev from the feature/xxx or fix/xxx.
  7. Hotfix creates from the main and create pull request to the main after the finish
  8. After each changes in the main or develop we do rebase from connected branches. rebase main from develop. rebase develop from features or fixes



  1. Install husky only for development: pnpm i -D husky

  2. Update package.json with:

     	 "scripts": { ... },
     	 "husky": {
     		 "hooks": {
     			"pre-commit": "nx lint"
     	 "private": "...",



  1. Install commitlint only for development: pnpm i -D @commitlint/{config-conventional,cli}

  2. Install @happ/commitlint-config only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/commitlint-config

  3. Create .commitlintrc.js in the root folder with:

     module.exports = {
     	"extends": ["@happ/commitlint-config"]
  4. Update package.json with:

      "husky": {
     	 "hooks": {
     		 "pre-commit": "nx lint",
     		 "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS",

Commit have to be like feat: add auth service, fix: remove wrong validation

You can find all availale types here



cz-format-extension - tool for customize commitizent questions

  1. Install commitizen only for development: pnpm i -D commitizen

  2. Install cz-format-extension only for development: pnpm i -D cz-format-extension

  3. Install @happ/commitizen-config config only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/commitizen-config

    Install it together: pnpm i -D commitizen cz-format-extension @happ/commitizen-config

  4. Make your repo commitizen-friendly: commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --save-dev --save-exact

  5. Create .czrc with:

     	"path": "cz-format-extension"
  6. Create .czferc.js with:

      module.exports = {
     	extends: ['@happ/commitizen-config']
  7. Update package.json with:

     	"scripts": {
     		"git-add": "git add .",
     		"git-commit": "cz",
     		"git-push": "git push",
     		"git": "pnpm run git-add && pnpm run git-commit && pnpm run git-push"

Conventional changelog cli

Conventional changelog cli

  1. Install conventional changelog cli only for development: pnpm i -D conventional-changelog-cli

  2. Init changelog: conventional-changelog -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s -r 0

  3. Update package.json with:

     	"scripts": {
     		"changelog": "conventional-changelog -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s && git add CHANGELOG.md",
     		"version": "pnpm run changelog"

    Use pnpm version [major|minor|patch] to change your project's version and generate changelog

    version script runs automatically on pnpm version major



  1. Install eslint only for development: pnpm i -D eslint

  2. Install @happ/eslint-config only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-config

  3. Install @happ/eslint-config-typescript only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-config-typescript

  4. Install @happ/eslint-config-jest only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-jest

  5. Install @happ/eslint-config-angular only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-config-angular

  6. Install @happ/eslint-config-angular-template only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-config-angular-template

  7. Install @happ/eslint-config-json only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-config-json

  8. Install @happ/eslint-config-markdown only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-config-markdown

    Install it together: pnpm i -D @happ/eslint-config @happ/eslint-config-typescript @happ/eslint-config-jest @happ/eslint-config-angular @happ/eslint-config-angular-template @happ/eslint-config-json @happ/eslint-config-markdown

  9. Create .eslintrc.js with:

      module.exports = {
     	"overrides": [
     			"files": ["*.js", "*.ts"],
     			"extends": ["@happ/eslint-config"]
     			"files": ["*.ts"],
     			"extends": ["@happ/eslint-config-typescript"]
     			"files": ["*.spec.js", "*.spec.ts"],
     			"extends": ["@happ/eslint-config-jest"]
     			"files": ["ANGULAR_DIRECTORY/*.ts"],
     			"extends": ["@happ/eslint-config-angular"]
     			"files": ["ANGULAR_DIRECTORY/*.html"],
     			"extends": ["@happ/eslint-config-angular-template"]
     			"files": ["*.json"],
     			"extends": ["@happ/eslint-config-json"]
     			"files": ["*.md"],
     			"extends": ["@happ/eslint-config-markdown"]



  1. Install prettier: pnpm i -D prettier

  2. Install @happ/prettier-config only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/prettier-config

  3. Create .prettierrc.js with:

      module.exports = {
     	extends: ["@happ/prettier-config"]



  1. Install stylelint only for development: pnpm i -D stylelint

  2. Install @happ/stylelint-config only for development: pnpm i -D @happ/stylelint-config

  3. Create .stylelintrc.js with:

      module.exports = {
     	extends: ["@happ/stylelint-config"]

Editor config

Editor config

  1. Create .editorconfig with:

      root = true
      end_of_line = lf
      insert_final_newline = true
      indent_style = tab
      indent_size = 2

If you are using VS Code you have also install plugin

Used libraries

  1. Npm-check
  2. Husky
  3. Commitlint
  4. Commitizen
  5. Cz-format-extension
  6. Conventional changelog cli
  7. Eslint
  8. Prettier
  9. Stylelint

Next steps

  1. To create a library run: npx nx g @nrwl/workspace:lib LIB_NAME
    1. LIB_NAME - name of the library
  2. To create an app you have to create a default project in app dir and then add it to:
    1. nx.json for nx dependenices
    2. workspace.json for run|buid settings

Related projects:

  1. nx-web-starter
  2. nx-nestjs-starter
  3. nx-angular-starter
  4. nx-angular-nestjs-starter

Additional info

workspace.json and angular.json is the same.

In workspace.json we use version: 2 and targets, generators, executor

In angular.json we use version: 1 and architect, schematics, builder