
Eleventy plugin for server-side React

npm install @hendotcat/11tysnap@0.0.11



A React SSR plugin for Eleventy

Build status

11tysnap is a server-side React plugin for Eleventy. It lets you hook up React to do server-side rendering in your Eleventy site without any painful Webpack or Babel configuration work. Just add the plugin, set up the runtime JSX/TSX loader of your choice, and start writing Eleventy templates in React right away.

This plugin deliberately doesn't include any client-side React bundling. If you really need client-side React then Eleventy might not be the best option for you. If you really really really need client-side React and Eleventy then unfortunately this probably isn't the plugin for you.


yarn add -D @henrycatalinismith/11tysnap react react-dom


This example uses esbuild-register. If you're trying to set up a React-based Eleventy site for the first time and aren't sure of yourself yet, esbuild-register is your best option: it'll work with both JSX and TSX without requiring any config of its own apart from the register() call below.

const { reactPlugin } = require("@henrycatalinismith/11tysnap")
const { register } = require("esbuild-register/dist/node")


module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {

If you know what you're doing and you want to use another loader such as @babel/node, @babel/runner, @esbuild/runner, or ts-node, those all work just fine with 11tysnap too. Check out the examples directory to see usage examples of all of those and more.



Pass verbose: true to the plugin and it'll output a whole bunch of information about what it's doing. This is mostly useful for debugging. Please enable this this option if you're reporting a bug in 11tysnap.

Error Codes

11tysnap will try to help you set it up properly. If you make a mistake, it'll try to help you understand. For some mistakes that it can recognize, it'll print a link in the build output pointing at one of these error codes to help you troubleshoot.


This error code is generated when you add the plugin to Eleventy without setting up a way for Node to load your .jsx or .tsx files.

Double check your .eleventy.js against the usage example at the top of this readme. Have you set up esbuild-register using the register() call?


This error code is generated when your React code throws an error while rendering. It usually means there's a mistake in your code rather than a bug in 11tysnap.

