
Iconify Search, core functions

npm install @iconify/search-core@1.0.0


Iconify Icon Finder

Iconify Icon Finder is a package for searching icons. It uses Iconify API as a source, providing access to over 100,000 icons from over 100 icon sets, including all most popular icon sets, such as Material Design Icons, Font Awesome, Unicons and many others.

Icon Finder is used to:

Dev version

This package is currently in development.

Previous attempt to build an icon finder was a slop. Several mistakes were made during development, resulting in spaghetti unmaintainable code. This version is a full rewrite, using different structure.


Package @iconify/search-utils is in directory packages/search-utils. It contains reusable functions for building icon pickers.


Iconify is licensed under MIT license.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

© 2022 Iconify OÜ