
An async loadable web component base

interstice, async, webcomponent, loadable
npm install @interstice/async@0.0.22



A collection of webcomponents which follow the open-wc recommendation.


 npm install @interstice/component-name


<script type="module">
  import '@interstice/component-name';


Linting with ESLint, Prettier, and Types

To scan the project for linting errors, run

npm run lint

You can lint with ESLint and Prettier individually as well

npm run lint:eslint
npm run lint:prettier

To automatically fix many linting errors, run

npm run format

You can format using ESLint and Prettier individually as well

npm run format:eslint
npm run format:prettier

Testing with Karma

To run the suite of karma tests, run

lerna run test

or to run them in compatibility mode for legacy browsers

lerna run test:compatibility

To run the tests in watch mode (for TDD, for example), run

lerna run test:watch


lerna run test:compatibility

Testing with Karma via BrowserStack

To run the suite of karma tests in BrowserStack, run

lerna run test:bs

Managing Test Snapshots

You can manage the test snapshots using

lerna run test:update-snapshots


lerna run test:prune-snapshots

Demoing with Storybook

To run a local instance of Storybook for your component, run

npm run storybook

To build a production version of Storybook, run

npm run storybook:build