Typescript Client for Netflix Conductor

conductor, workflow, orchestration, microservice
npm install @io-orkes/conductor-javascript@2.1.4


Conductor OSS Javascript/Typescript SDK

The conductor-javascript repository provides the client SDKs to build task workers in javascript/typescript.

Building the task workers in javascript mainly consists of the following steps:

  1. Setup conductor-javascript package
  2. Create and run task workers
  3. Create workflows using code

Setup Conductor Javascript Package

  • Get the package from npm
npm i @io-orkes/conductor-javascript


yarn add @io-orkes/conductor-javascript


Authentication Settings (Optional)

Configure the authentication settings if your Conductor server requires authentication.

  • keyId: Key for authentication.
  • keySecret: Secret for the key.

Access Control Setup

See Access Control for more details on role-based access control with Conductor and generating API keys for your environment.

Configure API Client

 * Application keys generated from the Application menu > Create Application
 * then edit and create Access Keys
import { OrkesApiConfig, orkesConductorClient } from "@io-orkes/conductor-javascript";

const config: Partial<OrkesApiConfig> = {
  keyId: "XXX", // optional
  keySecret: "XXXX", // optional
  refreshTokenInterval: 0, // optional (in milliseconds) defaults to 30 minutes (30 * 60 * 1000). 0 no refresh
  serverUrl: "https://play.orkes.io/api",

orkesConductorClient(config).then(client => ..... );