Vue3 Tailwind Cookie Comply A Vue 3 compatible component to handle cookie consent styled with Tailwind CSS 3.
🔹 Small bundle size -
🙅♂️ No extra external dependencies -
🤖 Optionated and customizable data structure for the modal content -
👐 Emit events on user actions, so you can use your handlers -
📱 Default responsive layout -
🗄️ Highly customizable through slots -
🚪 Usage of Vue3 Teleport to render the modal anywhere in your app -
💅 Looks amazing -
🌙 Dark mode from scratch -
⚖️ TTDSG, DSGVO & ePrivacy Directive compliant
Heavily inspired by Airbnb's cookie consent UI
and https://github.com/yaiks/vue-cookie-comply
Check out a demo page using Vue 3, Tailwind CSS 3, Vite and vue3-tailwind3-cookie-comply: DEMO PAGE
Check out the documentation page: DOCUMENTATION PAGE
Feel free to open an issue with bugs, suggestions for features, enhancements, weird behaviours, questions and more. Also, feel more than welcome to open an PR to fix something you came across or improve the code