A Fastify plugin that enforces naming pattern for route paths.
npm install @jerome1337/fastify-enforce-routes-pattern
import fastify from 'fastify';
import enforceRoutesPattern from '@jerome1337/fastify-enforce-routes-pattern';
const app = fastify();
// Register with default options
// These routes will pass validation
app.get('/user-profile', () => {});
app.get('/user-profile/:id/payment-history', () => {});
app.post('/api/v1/create-user', () => {});
// These routes will throw an error
app.get('/userProfile', () => {}); // ❌ camelCase not allowed
app.get('/UserProfile', () => {}); // ❌ PascalCase not allowed
app.get('/user-profile', () => {}); // ❌ kebab-case not allowed
type EnforceRoutesPatternOptions = {
pattern?: string; // default: 'kebab-case'
// Whether to throw an error on invalid routes or just log a warning to enforce
strict?: boolean; // default: true
// Custom patterns to ignore (e.g., health checks, metrics endpoints)
ignoredPatterns?: string[]; // default: []
app.register(enforceRoutesPattern, {
pattern: 'snake_case', // Will enforce snake_case route names pattern
strict: false, // Will only log warnings instead of throwing errors
ignoredPatterns: [
'^/health$', // Ignore health check endpoint
'^/metrics', // Ignore metrics endpoints
Pull requests are welcome! Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.