The LearnCard SDK is an open-source digital wallet, ID, credentialing technology, and UX to enable any individual or organization to seamlessly issue, earn, store, share, and spend currency and credentials.
All LearnCard documentation can be found at:
- LearnCard Core – a pluggable, wallet for issuing, receiving, storing, sharing, and spending currency and credentials.
- LearnCard React – dedicated set of flexible and reusable Storybook UX components for credential and currency visualization and interactions.
- LearnCard Bridge - HTTP – simple CLI and CloudFormation IaC to easily spin up a dedicated execution environment for LearnCard Core exposed over an HTTP API.
- LearnCard CLI - an easy to use node REPL; instantiates a LearnCard + all the tools you need to easily play around with the LearnCard SDK.
- LearnCard DWN - Decentralized Web Nodes as a service for storing and retrieving credentials.
- LearnCard App - iOS, Android, and Web implementation of LearnCard Core & UX; customizable, whitelabel-able, and modular to support pathways and communities.
- LearnCard Discord Bot - Discord bot for issuing and verifying Verifiable Credentials in your community.
- MetaMask Snap - view, issue, verify, present, and persist DIDs and Verifiable Credentials in MetaMask via the LearnCard SDK to enable dApps to use DIDs & VC without gaining access to the user's sensitive key material.
Use the package manager pnpm to install LearnCard.
pnpm install
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
The best way to start engaging in the community is to participate in our Github Discussions:
Learning Economy Foundation (LEF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization leveraging global standards and web3 protocols to bring quality skills and equal opportunity to every human on earth, and address the persistent inequities that exist around the globe in education and employment.