
Dynamic and customizable Angular Material theming made easy.

angular, dynamic, theme, theming, compile, compiler, compilation, ngx, material, angular-material, lithium-angular, lithiumjs, ngx-material-theming, runtime, sass, scss, typescript
npm install @lithiumjs/ngx-material-theming@0.12.0



Dynamic and customizable Angular Material theming made easy. Powered by @lithiumjs/angular.


  • SCSS mixins make creating themes easy.
  • Extend Material themes with your own styles for your custom components and overrides.
  • Change themes at run-time with the ThemeContainer directive.
  • Nested theme support - Apply multiple themes independently to any part of your app.
  • Offline theme compilation of SCSS themes using the provided ltc CLI tool.
  • Run-time theme creation - True dynamic themes; Easily generate brand new themes at runtime.

Getting started

Angular 15 Material MDC Update

v15 of Angular Material introduces MDC-based components, with the old pre-v15 components being marked as "legacy". ngx-material-theming matches this behavior and exposes theming support for MDC-based components by default, with associated "legacy" mixins for pre-v15 components. If you are using legacy Angular Material components in your project, make sure to update your project to use the "legacy" versions of the ngx-material-theming mixins.

Other information