
Pagination library

npm install @loadingio/paginate@0.1.1



Fetching data with paging functionality supported:

  • keep pagination state ( limit & offset )
  • auto fetching on scrolling or event
  • stop fetching on end of data ( returned length < limit )


install dependencies (proxise and @loadingio/debounce.js) and @loadingio/paginate via npm:

npm install @loadingio/paginate proxise @loadingio/debounce.js

and include them in HTML:

<script src="path-to/debounce.js/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="path-to/proxise/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="path-to/paginate/index.min.js"></script>

create a paginate object:

mypal = new paginate({
  fetch: -> ld$.fetch '...' , {}, {type: \json}

you can process fetched data directly in the fetch function:

mypal = new paginate do
  fetch: ->
    ld$.fetch '...' , {}, {type: \json}
      .then ->
        return it /* should return the fetched list */

see also sample/index.ls.

Constructor Options

  • limit: default 20. maximal count return per fetch
  • offset: default 0. offset for fetch to start
  • host: container that scrolls. default document.scrollingElement.
  • pivot: element for determining if we should scroll. omitted if not provided.
    • when provided, intersectionObserver is used
  • scrollDelay: default 100. debounce time (ms) before fetching after scrolled.
  • fetchDelay: default 200. debounce time (ms) before fetching when fetch is called.
  • fetchOnScroll: default false. when true, fetch when scrolling to the bottom of host.
    • only applicable if host is provided
  • fetchOnInit: default false. should a fetch be called after init. possible values:
    • always: fetch after both init and reset
    • once: fetch only after init
    • lazy: fetch when visibility of host is changed to visible, and offset = 0
    • false: never fetch on init
  • boundary: threshold of the distance to host bottom to trigger fetch.
    • default 5. rounding may lead to extra px uncounted so a small default value 5 is used here.
    • omitted if fetchOnScroll is false.
    • larger boundary makes fetch triggered earlier.
  • fetch: required custom function to fetch data according to @loadingio/paginate's status.
    • when called, - use this.limit and this.offset for current position of fetch progress.
    • should return an Array. @loadingio/paginate use it to update this.offset and count progress.
  • enabled: default true. when false, fetch won't start until re-enabled by toggle(v).


  • reset(): reset page.
  • fetch(): fetch data again.
  • isEnd(): is there anything to fetch.
  • host(node): set scrolling host. use document.scrollingElement for the webpage itself.
  • host(pivot): set pivot element ( for detecting refreshing )
  • toggle(v): flip enabled/disabled statue. force set to v if v(true or false) is provided.


  • empty: fired when @loadingio/paginate confirms that the list is empty.
  • finish: fired when @loadingio/paginate confirms that all items are fetched.
  • fetch: fired when @loadingio/paginate fetch a new list of data
  • scroll.fetch: fired when @loadingio/paginate fetch a new list of data triggered by scrolling.
    • can happen along with fetch event.
  • fetching: fired before fetch is called.

Auto Fetching Policy

You can decide when to fetch data by yourself but @loadingio/pagination still provides some handy mechanism to watch for scrolling or intersection events for you with following 2 options:

  • fetchOnScroll: when set to true, this triggers fetch when
    • pivot becomes visible ( if pivot is provided )
    • user scrolls to the bottom of host element ( if pivot is not provided )
      • this relies on scroll event and related attribues such as scrollTop thus is less efficient.
  • fetchOnInit: this defines how fetch should be done initially.
    • always: fetch called after paginate object constructed and reset everytime.
    • once: fetch called only after paginate object constructed.
    • lazy: fetch called only if offset = 0 and host becomes visible.
    • false: no fetch for initialization.

These are handy however may introduce inconsistency and confusion. Set both of them to false if you'd like to control how fetching is done manually.
