
A small set of DOM helpers wrapped in a minimalist core.

npm install @lumjs/dom@1.4.0



A small set of DOM helpers wrapped in a minimalist core.


  • Wraps a window object so it works in browser or Node.js with jsdom.
  • Has a bunch of simple type tests.
  • Simple method wrappers for common functionality:
    • dom.elem()document.createElement()
    • dom.frag()document.createDocumentFragment()
    • dom.parse()(new DOMParser()).parseFromString()
    • dom.html() → Use dom.parse() forcing HTML, and return the element(s). Can optionally run dom.extend() on the returned value automatically.
    • dom.xml() → Use dom.parse() forcing XML, and return the document element. Can optionally run dom.extend() automatically.
  • A Query library which extends querySelector and querySelectorAll.
    • Use dom.query for access to a default library instance.
    • Has a dom.find() shortcut method to find multiple nodes. Can optionally return an HTMLCollection instead of a NodeList.
    • Has a dom.get() shortcut method to find a single node.
    • With dom.options.extendQueries set to true, results from either of the shortcut methods use dom.extend() automatically.
  • An Events library to make working with event handlers easier.
    • Supports building delegated event handlers automatically.
    • Use dom.events for access to a default library instance.
    • Has dom.on(), dom.off(), dom.trigger() shortcut methods.
  • An Extender library to add additional methods and accessor properties to Node, NodeList, or HTMLCollection object instances.
    • Use dom.extender for access to a default library instance.
    • Has a dom.extend() shortcut method.
  • A ListCompiler library for building NodeList and HTMLCollection objects, which normally cannot be constructed manually.
    • Use dom.listCompiler for access to a default library instance.
    • Used by the Query library to build composite lists, and to convert NodeList results into HTMLCollection results when asked to.
    • Can be easily extended to add other DOM objects without constructors.

Official URLs

This library can be found in two places:


Timothy Totten 2010@totten.ca
