Mailchain SDK monorepo
Mailchain is a messaging protocol that lets users communicate across protocols. Using Mailchain you can send messages to any blockchain address on different protocols.
For full usage examples view the developer docs.
Repo layout
Contains the packages directly related to the Mailchain SDK.
Send your first message
Try sending your first message a message to
, that's us at Mailchain, we own the private key for 0xbb56FbD7A2caC3e4C17936027102344127b7a112
import { Mailchain } from '@mailchain/sdk';
const secretRecoveryPhrase = process.env.SECRET_RECOVERY_PHRASE!; // 24 word mnemonicPhrase
const mailchain = Mailchain.fromSecretRecoveryPhrase(secretRecoveryPhrase);
const { data, error } = await mailchain.sendMail({
from: ``, // sender address
to: [``], // list of recipients (blockchain or mailchain addresses)
subject: 'My first message', // subject line
content: {
text: 'Hello Mailchain 👋', // plain text body
html: '<p>Hello Mailchain 👋</p>', // html body
if (error) {
// handle error
console.warn('Mailchain error', error);
// handle success send mail result
You can send a message to yourself your username@mailchain
if you've registered an ethereum address you can send a message to it
, or try sending a message to
, that's us at Mailchain, we own the private key for 0xbb56FbD7A2caC3e4C17936027102344127b7a112