
A local development tool for Masonite websites.

docker, local-development, wordpress, wordpress-multisite
npm install @masonite/slab-cli@0.11.2


Slab CLI



Slab CLI is a local web development tool for Masonite websites.

Slab CLI gives you the ability easily replicate a website from a target remote environment and have it available locally on a *.slab domain. You can also create new local projects based on defined project types (WordPress, WordPress Multisite, Laravel, Node, etc). Both projects and project types are user defined, making Slab CLI flexible enough any type of project.


npm install -g @masonite/slab-cli


  • Docker
  • Node 8
  • 2 Restful Endpoints defining projects and project types. (See Creating Endpoints)



Slab CLI is profile based, allowing you to switch between multiple configurations for different teams. Slab CLI requires at least profile to be created. On macOS, profiles configs are located within ~/.slab/profiles/.



Create a new local project.


Clone an existing project defined by the projects endpoint.


List all available local projects for the current profile.


SSH into a project's docker container as the root user.


Change profiles, create a new profile, or remove an existing profile.


Opens a project in the default browser when anywhere inside of an existing project.


Remove a local project and it's volumes.


Fixes Slab CLI stuff related to paths and domains.


Outputs a list of available commands.


Outputs the current profile name.


Outputs the current version of Slab CLI.

Creating Endpoints

Slab CLI requires 2 endpoints that define available projects and project types. These endpoints must be created and hosted somewhere by the user. It is recommended to locally host the projects endpoint on your machine or from inside a local network.

Template Strings

Slab CLI has a built in templating engine that will convert certain template strings into their corresponding project based values.

Template String Description
{{email}} The profile's email. This can be used for creating a default user upon site creation.
{{uuid}} Each command ran in Slab CLI has a unique identifier. This should be utilized when defining commands to sync content from a remote environment.
{{project_path}} The local project's absolute path.
{{project_slug}} The local project's unique slug.
{{project_port_1}} The local project's port. When cloning a project or creating a new project, Slab CLI assigns an available port to a project. Currently only 1 port is used per project however future version's of Slab CLI may include support for multiple ports.
{{project_url}} The local project's url. This is the full url that includes http and the project's port number. You can create an http-less domain by using {{project_slug}}.slab:{{project_port_1}}

Project Types

The project types endpoint defines the available project types. The example shows a single WordPress install and a WordPress multisite install.

		"name": "wordpress",
		"project_repo": "git@github.com:masonitedoors/wordpress-unfinished-slab.git",
		"cmd_before_containers_init": "composer install",
		"cmd_after_containers_init": "sleep 8; docker exec --user=root {{project_slug}} bash -c 'cd /var/www/html; wp config create --dbname=wp --dbuser=web --dbpass=web --skip-check --allow-root; wp db create --allow-root; wp core install --url={{project_url}} --title={{project_slug}} --admin_user=slab --admin_password=slab --admin_email={{email}} --skip-email --allow-root; wp rewrite structure '/%postname%/' --hard --allow-root'",
		"containers": [
				"image": "masonitedoors/lamp",
				"expose": "{{project_port_1}}:80",
				"volumes": [
		"files": [
				"filename": ".htaccess",
				"location": "{{project_path}}/html",
				"contents": "# BEGIN WordPress\n<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /\nRewriteRule ^index\\.php$ - [L]\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\nRewriteRule . /index.php [L]\n</IfModule>\n# END WordPress"
				"filename": "wp-cli.yml",
				"location": "{{project_path}}/html",
				"contents": "apache_modules:\n  - mod_rewrite"
		"name": "wordpress-multisite",
		"project_repo": "git@github.com:masonitedoors/wordpress-unfinished-slab.git",
		"cmd_before_containers_init": "composer install",
		"cmd_after_containers_init": "sleep 8; docker exec --user=root {{project_slug}} bash -c 'cd /var/www/html; wp config create --dbname=wp --dbuser=web --dbpass=web --skip-check --allow-root; wp db create --allow-root; wp core multisite-install --subdomains --url={{project_url}} --title={{project_slug}} --admin_user=slab --admin_password=slab --admin_email={{email}} --skip-email --allow-root;'",
		"containers": [
				"image": "masonitedoors/lamp",
				"expose": "{{project_port_1}}:80",
				"volumes": [
		"files": [
				"filename": ".htaccess",
				"location": "{{project_path}}/html",
				"contents": "RewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /\nRewriteRule ^index\\.php$ - [L]\n\n# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin\nRewriteRule ^wp-admin$ wp-admin/ [R=301,L]\n\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d\nRewriteRule ^ - [L]\nRewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]\nRewriteRule ^(.*\\.php)$ $1 [L]\nRewriteRule . index.php [L]"
				"filename": "wp-cli.yml",
				"location": "{{project_path}}/html",
				"contents": "apache_modules:\n  - mod_rewrite"


The projects endpoint defines the projects that available to clone using Slab CLI. These are pre-existing websites that live on a remote webserver. Note that in order to use a project, its type must be previously defined in the project types endpoint.

		"name": "Project A",
		"slug": "project-a",
		"type": "wordpress",
		"repo": {
			"dev": "git@github.com:masonitedoors/wordpress-unfinished-slab.git"
		"env": [
				"name": "prd",
				"cmd_sync_content": ""
				"name": "dev",
				"cmd_sync_content": ""


Slab CLI is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license