
A hook for running an async function in React.

react, react hook, asynchronous, request
npm install @mhsteffensen/use-ajax@1.0.1


useAJAX React hook

A hook for running an async function in React.

You can install the package from NPM by running one of the following shell commands in your project directory:

npm i @mhsteffensen/use-ajax
yarn add @mhsteffensen/use-ajax
pnpm add @mhsteffensen/use-ajax

And import it in yout React components like so:

import useAJAX from "@mhsteffensen/use-ajax"

The primary use case is for running network requests, but it can be used for any asynchronous operation passed as the first argument as described below.

For more complex use cases a hook like useSWR is recommended.

REQUIRED Arguments

Name Description
ajaxFunction asynchronous function to run, MUST return a Promise
args an array of arguments to be passed to the asynchronous function


Name/Key Description
timeOut number of ms to wait before running the function - defaults to 0
runOnce boolean indication whether the request should run once or watch for changes to the function arguments and run on change - defaults to false


This hook returns an object with 3 keys indicating different states of the asynchronous operation

Name/Key Description
loading boolean, indicating whether the asynchronous function is still pending
data is either undefined or the data returned from the asynchronous function
error is undefined unless an error occurred


This is an example from a weather app that runs an async function to fetch the weather from an API, it is written in TypeScript, so if you're using JavaScript you can ignore the type annotations.

the AJAX function looks as follows:

export const getWeather = async (lat: number, lon: number): Promise<WeatherData> => {
    const response = await fetch(`${baseURI}weather?latitude=${lat}&longitude=${lon}`)
    return await response.json()

It takes 2 arguments and returns a Promise.

Then in your React function component

    const { data, error, loading }: { data: WeatherData, error: undefined | any, loading: boolean } = useAJAX(getWeather, [55, 12])

    if (error) {
        return <h1>
            An error occurred
    if (loading && !data) {
        return <h1>
    if (data) {
        return <h1>
            Temperature is { data.main.temp }