
React components that implement Google's Material Design.

react, react-component, material design, material-ui
npm install @mui-magic/ppp@4.11.1618791605217


MUI Magic

Use our Theme Generator to publish a custom Material-UI theme and import your customized components from '@mui-magic/your-theme' in your React app.

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First, design a theme using the MUI Magic dashboard.

Publish your theme and follow the installation instructions.

Your customized Material-UI library will be available as an npm package. Each revision to your theme will be labeled with an 8 character semantic tag, which should be specified in your installation:

// with npm
npm install @mui-magic/your-theme@f54OdD13


Here is a quick example to get you started, it's all you need:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Button } from '@mui-magic/your-theme';

function App() {
  return <Button>Hello World</Button>; // This button is styled for you automatically! No ThemeProvider required.

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));

How it Works

Your personalized component library will be published to the NPM registry under the @mui-magic scope. It's a clone of @material-ui/core@4.11.3, so you get all the Material-UI bells and whistles without any of the styling headaches!


Are you looking for an example project to get started? Material-UI hosts some.


Check out Material-UI's documentation website.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.