
Vue specific wrapper for @musangowope/hot-components

ionic, framework, vue, mobile, app, hybrid, webapp, cordova, progressive, web, pwa
npm install @musangowope/hot-components-vue@1.3.4


Stencil Monorepo starter

Monorepo that houses sample component libraries:

  • Stencil web component library
  • React library (React wrapper library generated from Stencil web component library)
  • Vue library (Vue wrapper library generated from Stencil web component library)

Getting started

Click here to learn how to use our components.

Local development

At the root of project in your terminal, run npm install

Lerna is used for managing and publishing packages in this repo.

Installing and symlinking dependencies via Lerna

Run lerna bootstrap in the terminal. This will npm install all the packages (core, react, vue)

Running tests

In the terminal, run lerna run test.

Building packages and publishing

  • To build packages run lerna run build
  • To publish packages run lerna publish --conventional-commits