
A middleware written in TypeScript to connect different CMS with your delivery layer and to notify it of content changes.

cms, delivery-layer, headless-cms, magnolia
npm install @neoskop/paperboy-source-magnolia@1.1.3




A middleware written in TypeScript to connect different CMS with your delivery layer and to notify it of content changes.


To leverage the flexibility of a content management system while having the performance of a static site one needs to decouple the delivery layer from the CMS. Paperboy acts as a broker between these two layers by informing the delivery layer of content changes. To support the use-case of multiple frontend servers Paperboy multiplexes events via a Queue. Using the Magnolia CMS, the complete setup looks like the following:

Architecture with Magnolia

  1. This setup works by add a Magnolia module to both instances, which listens for content changes and publishes details of those changes to a Webhook which publishes a message to a NATS server
  2. A client-side library then subscribes to this queue
  3. Finally it will execute an arbitrary command to trigger the actual rebuild of the frontend

In case we don't want to operate the delivery tier ourselves and instead use a CDN like Netlify you can use the Magnolia Module to publish directly to a webhook by the CDN provider:



For the content management tier we provide two submodules which together with a queue handle the propagation of content change events:

  1. Paperboy push service: A small HTTP service that can be used as a webhook.
  2. Paperboy Magnolia module: A module that integrates directly into Magnolia and sends HTTP messages to the push service (or an arbitrary webhook) whenever a change in a watched workspace occurs.

The subscriber part of this system is currently comprised of three submodules in this repository:

  1. Paperboy Core: The core library which handles all generic configuration and knows how to execute the commands to trigger rebuilds.
  2. Paperboy CLI: A simple CLI to ease usage and setup


Run the following command to start a queue, push service and a simple 'frontend':

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.nats.yml up

When all three services are up an running execute the follow command to send a message via the push service:

$ curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8080/ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer supersecret' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'payload=%7B%22foo%22%3A%22bar%22%7D&source=foo'


Install Yeoman and our generator:

$ npm install -g yo generator-paperboy

Afterwards just start a wizard via:

$ yo paperboy

Manual installation

To get started with your project, execute the stepts in Frontend Set-Up and Magnolia Set-Up. Afterwards either execute the steps from Custom delivery layer or Netlify depending on your setup.

Frontend Set-Up

To use Paperboy in your Frontend you can simply install the CLI globally via:

$ npm i -g @neoskop/paperboy-cli

In case that you are writing the frontend with JavaScript you can also install the CLI locally in your project:

$ npm i --save-dev @neoskop/paperboy-cli

Magnolia Set-Up

Generate a blank Magnolia project using Magnolia's archetype catalog:

$ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=https://nexus.magnolia-cms.com/content/groups/public/  \

Afterwards add the Paperboy Magnolia Module to the webapp's POM.xml:


Build the WAR and deploy it in a servlet container.

Custom delivery layer

In case of a custom deliver layer, start the push service and a NATS server by running the following command in the root folder of this repository:

$ docker-compose up

When the containers are up and running, import the following config into Magnolia's configuration under /modules/paperboy/config:

  authorization: BEARER_TOKEN
  bearerToken: supersecret
  url: http://push-service:8080/

To configure the frontend, create a file called paperboy.config.json with the following contents:

  "queue": {
    "uri": "nats://queue:4222"
  "command": "npm start"

Finally change to the frontend directory and run:

$ paperboy start


To trigger a rebuild of the frontend whenever a change in Magnolia's content occurs, create a webhook in Netlify under Settings > Build & Deploy in your project.

Click "Add build hook":

Webhook Creation pt. 1

Give the hook a meaningful name and press "Save":

Webhook Creation pt. 2

Copy the webhook's URL:

Webhook Creation pt. 2

Finally import the following config into Magnolia's configuration under /modules/paperboy/config:

  authorization: NONE
  url: https://api.netlify.com/build_hooks/<webhook-id>


This project is under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy of this license is included with the sources.