
A collection of Northwestern University Libraries React components, used cross-projects for creating Admin UI interfaces. Style guide via Styleguidist.

React, Rollup, Component Library, Northwestern University
npm install @nulib/admin-react-components@1.10.0


Northwestern Libraries Admin React Components

A collection of Northwestern University Libraries React components, used cross-projects for creating Admin UI interfaces. Style guide via Styleguidist.

Style guide and examples

View the style guide and usage examples:


Using the component library and assets

Add the package to your React project:

# Yarn
yarn add @nulib/admin-react-components

npm install --save @nulib/admin-react-components


To develop in the component repository:

  1. Clone the project
  2. Enter the admin-react-components directory: cd admin-react-components
  3. Install dependencies
# Yarn
yarn install

npm install

Use Styleguidis for a development environment. Run:

yarn styleguide

which will spin up a local Styleguidist webpack dev server that handles live-reloading as you write tests, build out components, and write documentation.

Running the tests

yarn test

// or
yarn test:watch

Building the package

To build the package, we use Rollup:

yarn build

To directly build the latest version of the style guide:

yarn styleguide:build


To document architecture decisions, we use the adr-tools package. To document a new architecture decision via adr-tools markdown template generator, run:

adr new your-text-here

Built With

  • React - JavaScript components
  • Bulma - UI CSS only framework
  • Styleguidist - Used as development environment and style guide


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details