
The SDK for the p2p commons

p2p, dat, communication, hypercore, hypercore-protocol, hyperdrive, scholarly, sdk
npm install @p2pcommons/sdk-js@0.9.2



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The base Software Development Kit in JavaScript (sdk-js) for a p2p communication infrastructure. More information on this infrastructure is available in this conceptual publication and this technical publication (note these might have been extended by now).

The specifications for sdk-js are available from @p2pcommons/specs.

⚠️ Work In Progress


npm install @p2pcommons/sdk-js


This is an npm module that does not export any processes to your global environment. In other words, it is a module that you can use in your NodeJS packages, but does not provide any direct functionality outside of it.


const P2PCommons = require('@p2pcommons/sdk-js')

const p2p = new P2PCommons()

;(async () => {
  // call this method first
  await p2p.ready()

  // create a content module
  await p2p.init({ type: 'content' }) // ~/.p2pcommons/hash/dat.json --> type: content
  // create a profile module
  await p2p.init({ type: 'profile' }) // ~/.p2pcommons/hash/dat.json --> type: profile


const P2PCommons = require('@p2pcommons/sdk-js')



Returns a new instance of the sdk.

  • opts can include the following:
  baseDir: // defaults to '~/.p2pcommons'
  persist: // Indicates if the drives should be persisted - defaults to true
  storage: // Accepts a storage function - defaults to undefined
  disableSwarm: // defaults to undefined
  swarm: // swarm options - defaults to undefined


async ready()

After creating a new instance the next required step is call the ready method. This method will create (if needed) the db and open it.

Returns a promise. Call this method before any other for expected behavior.


async init(data: object)

Creates a new folder for 'content' or 'profile' according to the received data.type value.

Returns an object containing the flattened rawJSON and metadata (version, lastModified, isWritable) for the newly created module.


async get(hash: string)

Retrieves raw datJSON item and metadata from the local db.

  • hash: represents the key (url) to be looked for. It is the buffer archive key .toString('hex')

Returns an object with:

  • rawJSON: flattened datJSON data
  • metadata: Extra information like last modified time, latest archive version, etc


async set(metadata: object)

Used to update a previously retrieved value.

  • metadata: it is an object with the updated values. The only required field is the url property, which is used as the object key.


async filter(feature: string, criteria: string)

Handy method for querying content values from the local db.

Returns a promise which can resolve to an array of 0 or more values (flattened rawJSON data) together with their metadata.

  • feature: indicates the filter property, e.g.: filter by title or description (currently supported filter types)
  • criteria: it is the filter value.


async listContent()

Returns an array containing all the content modules (flattened rawJSON data) together with metadata saved in the local db.


async listProfiles()

Returns an array containing all the profile modules (flattened rawJSON data) together with metadata saved in the local db.


async list()

Returns an array containing all the modules (flattened rawJSON data) and metadata saved in the local db.


async openFile(key: string)

Used to obtain a file descriptor from the main file of a module.

  • key: represents the module key (url) to be looked for. It is the buffer archive key .toString('hex')


async publish(contentKey: string or buffer, profileKey: string or buffer)

Register new content into a profile. The new content is added to the profile's p2pcommons.contents.


async unpublish(contentKey: string or buffer, profileKey: string or buffer)

Remove content from a profile.


async follow(localProfile: string or buffer, targetProfile: string or buffer)

Get a local profile and updates its follows property adding a new profile (targetProfile)


async unfollow(localProfile: string or buffer, targetProfile: string or buffer)

Undo the follow operation.


async clone(mKey: string or buffer, mVersion: number, download: boolean)

Get a module from the local db or the swarm. If the module is not present on the local db and the swarm is enabled (disableSwarm === false) then it will query the swarm.

  • mKey: module url
  • mVersion: module version. [OPTIONAL]
  • download: a boolean indicating if module directory needs to be saved on disk. [DEFAULT=TRUE]

Returns a cancelable promise. When fullfiled returns an object with multiple values:

  • module: the module dat.json content
  • version: the version obtained
  • versionedKey: an string indicating the full module url obtained. E.g: dat://${mKey}+${version}
  • metadata: an object with modules metadata
  • dwldHandle: it contains a download event emitter, you can listen to end event to know when the download has been completed. It's defined only if download === true.


async delete(key: string or buffer)

Remove module from local db and seed db. If it was open in memory, its closed. Note: While this will stop the file from being seeded, that does not means that the content won't still be available on the network. This is due to the P2P file sharing dynamics.


async destroy()

Closes the swarm instance (if created) and the local db.


The SDK exports some custom errors: SDK.errors


Indicates there is a difference between what is expected and what was received.

Error object contains some useful properties:

  • expected: Expected value
  • received: Received value
  • key: A string indicating the property in question


Some keys are read only. This error indicates the user is trying to modify a read only property.

Error object contains some useful properties:

  • invalid: A string indicating the invalid property


A more general error, used to indicate if something is missing.

Error object contains some useful properties:

  • key: A string indicating the missing param