
Service for ingesting, aggregating, storing, and disbursing validation related data

blockchain-explorer, xrpl
npm install @pdp2121/validator-history-service@0.7.5


Validator History Service

The Validator History Service (VHS) is a service for ingesting, aggregating, storing, and disbursing node- and validation-related data.


Install VHS globally

To install the Validator History Service globally on your computer, run

npm i -g validator-history-service


The Validator History Service only supports Postgres. You'll need to create a database, but the Validator History Service will create the tables and schema for you.

Environment variables

Create a .env file with the same environment variable as .env.example where you want to run the Validator History Service.

Alternatively, update your .bashrc or .zshrc to export the environment variables.

Here are some example values for some environment variables:

  • MAINNET_P2P_SERVER: your mainnet peer-to-peer rippled node FQDN
  • MAINNET_UNL: a mainnet validator domain which hosts a UNL, for example MAINNET_UNL=vl.ripple.com


The Validator History Service runs on HTTP on port 3000.

After installation, you have access to the validatorhistoryservice command globally.

Run validatorhistoryservice with --api to launch the API server:

validatorhistoryservice --api

Run validatorhistoryservice with --connections to launch the connection manager:

validatorhistoryservice --connections

Run validatorhistoryservice with --crawler to launch the network crawler:

validatorhistoryservice --crawler

API inspection

Once the service and API are running, you may inspect the API by issuing any HTTP request to port 3000:

curl localhost:3000


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