The project is under construction, the description will be later

npm install @phragon/responder-text@0.1.9


PhragonJS Project

⚠️ Attention! The project is under development, a full description will be later. The project is in the beta testing stage.

A small wrapper (framework) for the KOA server, and the subsequent building of the application using Webpack (client side and server side render) and Rollup (server side).

Start project

For install project

yarn add phragon
yarn phragon install

Project commands

# phragon commands
yarn phragon install                   # install system
yarn phragon install plugin-name       # install additional plugin
yarn phragon dev                       # start dev server
yarn phragon make                      # make build files to ./phragon directory
yarn phragon build                     # create build

# phragon-serv (production only, after phragon build)
yarn phragon-serv start                # start server
yarn phragon-serv start --background   # start server in background
yarn phragon-serv stop                 # stop server
yarn phragon-serv status               # server status (online or offline)
yarn phragon-serv stat                 # server CPU statistic
yarn phragon-serv cmd [...options]     # running an internal command

# for more information use --help [?command-name]

Terms and concepts of the PhragonJS application

Global var phragon


Application mode

Mode How to discover Comment
app phragon.isApp() Started HTTP Server (koa)
cron phragon.isCron() Started CRON Server (node-schedule)
cmd phragon.isCmd() Started internal terminal command











Extra middleware




Bootstrap & Bootloader


PhragonJS packages

Package Comment
phragon Development: installation, building, watching.
create-phragon-app -
@phragon/server Main HTTP server (wrapper for koa).
@phragon/responder-static Static files responder. koa-static alternative.
@phragon/responder-text Text responder.
@phragon/responder-json JSON responder (work with cors).
@phragon/responder-page HTML page responder.
@phragon/render-driver-react Page rendering driver for react.
@phragon/app Application tools (using mobx observation).
@phragon/lexicon Library for working with language packs and files.
@phragon/path-to-pattern Route Path Parser.
@phragon/make-url URL builder.
@phragon/loadable Dynamic import for client side and server side rendering.
@phragon/html-head HTML tools. Working with document HEAD tags.
@phragon/utils Utilities.
@phragon/cli-cmp Runtime tools, JS file generator.
@phragon/cli-color -
@phragon/cli-commander -
@phragon/cli-debug Logging. Wrapper for debug or winston packages.
@phragon/types Global types of typescript.
@phragon/extra Extra application tools.


Project structure

Path Watch Configurable Production Comment
Build directories
/.phragon Global building files, compiled by the system.
/dev Development Webpack and Rollup files.
/build only Production build.
/src-client client Render template files used only on the client side when SSR is disabled.
/src-server server Server side files only. For nodejs v14 and up.
/src-full client & server Files that are used both on the client side and on the server side. Should not contain nodejs global library imports. Not recommended for use. It's better to use package.json dependencies.
/lexicon global Languages files. Those files are included into build.
/config global yes Configuration files. You can change the configuration after a production build.
/.env global yes Environment vars. Used if /.production.env or /.development.env does not exist.
/.production.env yes Environment vars. For production mode.
/.development.env global Environment vars. For development mode.
/phragon.json global Global configurations and parameters of the PhragonJS application.
/phragon.json.install Generated dynamic. Information about installed plugins.
/phragon-pid.json yes only Generated dynamic. Information about PID and processor.
/phragon-watch.log Full watch dev server log file.
/phragon-env.d.ts Global typescript types. Additional file types are recommended to be moved to the ./types directory.
/tsconfig.json global Typescript config file. You can also use ./tsconfig-server.json and ./tsconfig-client.json files.
/package.json global yes NPM package configuration. A WARNING! The project name option is required!

* global watching.

If changes are made to the global watch field, the watcher regenerates the ./phragon building files and restarts other watchers.