
a very, very zimple logger

npm install @punkish/zlogger@1.0.9



a realy zimple logger

There are a lot of wonderful loggers that do a lot of things. This is not one of them. This is a zero-dependency, 3.9KB (135 lines), synchronous logger, basically just a wrapper around process.stdout.write. It has loglevels and transports and can output log in color.

  1. import the logger class. If your script is in a CommonJS format, rename it with .mjs extension.

    import { Zlogger } from '@punkish/zlogger';
  2. create a new logger with options

    const log = new Zlogger({
        // every log line gets decorated with the name.
        // there is no default value
        name: 'MAIN', 
        // log levels can be
        //  'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal'
        //  'info' is the default log level
        level: 'info', 
        // transports are where the log is written
        //   'console' always exists in development
        //   'file' is optional
        transports: [ 'console', 'file' ],
        // 'mode' is optional and chooses between streams and appendFile,
        // defaulting to streams if none is provided
        mode: 'streams',
        // 'dir' is optional and used when transport is 'file'
        // if no 'dir' is provided then 'logs' is used
        dir: 'path/to/logdir'
  3. log away

    log.info(`logger level is ${log.level()}`);
    log.info('hello… ', 'start');
    log.info('done\n', 'end');
    log.error('uh oh!');

    The optional 'start' and 'end' position flags output the log message on the same line (in this case, you have to add the \n newline explicitly when the 'pos' is 'end'). In the example shown above, the output will be

    2022-02-28 20:09:15.240 MAIN – INFO  logger level is FATAL
    2022-02-28 20:09:15.240 MAIN — INFO  foo
    2022-02-28 20:09:15.240 MAIN — INFO  hello… done
    2022-02-28 20:09:15.241 MAIN — WARN  oops
    2022-02-28 20:09:15.241 MAIN — ERROR uh oh!
    2022-02-28 20:09:15.242 MAIN — FATAL died