
Simple real-time updating configuration module

conf, config, configuration, nodejs, realtime
npm install @rngnrs/figurecon@1.2.0



Simple configuration module with real-time updates

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This module is designed as a simple ES6-based advanced config module.

WARNING: Be sure not to use this package in production.

It is unreliable because not tested properly.

Any method can be changed/removed in any time, so use it carefully!


  • Updates values on-the-fly (though it can be disabled)
  • May use defaults if there is no such value in main config
  • Supports update subscriptions (hooks)


npm i @rngnrs/figurecon

yarn add @rngnrs/figurecon


Import the module

[modern style] With config object, ES6 modules

import Figurecon from '@rngnrs/figurecon';

const configObject = {
  'key': 'value'

const defaults = {
  'your.config.here': true

const config = new Figurecon(configObject, defaults);
// ...

[modern style] With config file, ES6 modules

import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { dirname, resolve } from 'path';
import Figurecon from '@rngnrs/figurecon';

const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);

const defaults = {
  'your.config.here': true

const config = new Figurecon(resolve(__dirname, "./config.json"), defaults);
// ...

With config file

const path = require('path');
const Figurecon = require('@rngnrs/figurecon');
const defaults = {
  'your.config.here': true

const config = new Figurecon(path.resolve(__dirname, "./config.json"), defaults);
// ...

With config object

const Figurecon = require('@rngnrs/figurecon');

const configObject = {
  'key': 'value'

const defaults = {
  'your.config.here': true

const config = new Figurecon(configObject, defaults);
// ...

Get a value

Breaking: Versions below 1.0.0 could get a value via config(key, defaults). Due to ES6 class rewrite, Figurecon does not support this behaviour: use config.get(key, defaults) instead.

let value1 = config.get('your.config.here'); // => true
let value2 = config.get('non.existent.key', 'default'); // => 'default'
let value3 = config.get('non.existent.key'); // => undefined

Set a value

// ...
let isSet1 = config.set('non.existent.key'); // => true, because `undefined` is value too
let isSet2 = config.set('non.existent.key', 111); // => true
let isSet3 = config.set('non.existent.key', 111); // => false, because already has this value
let isSet4 = config.set('non.existent.key', 222); // => true, because another value

Subcriptions (hooks)

// ...
let func = () => { /* ... */ };

// Subscribe to `key` updates
let hook = config.on('key', func);

// Usually it is an update from config file...
// but now we create it directly
config.set('key', true);

// Unsubscribe
// Also you could use `hook` because it returns `func`
config.off('key', func);

Use watcher for real-time updates

Figurecon uses real-time updates via tiny package called node-watch by default. If you want change a library, just use a wrapper that implements such interface:

// ...
let WatchLib = require('node-watch'); // or any other
let watcher = function (fileName, callback = async (eventType = "update", fileName) => {}) {
  return WatchLib(fileName, callback);
// when you do not need it, use .unwatch for correct process exiting:

If watcher already has this interface, just use this:

let WatchLib = require('node-watch');
const config = new Figurecon(configObject, defaults, {
  watch: true, // now by default!
  watcher: WatchLib

Otherwise, use config.reload() to do this job manually.

Disable watcher (completely)

If you want to disable updates, put { watch: false } in options:

const config = new Figurecon(configObject, defaults, {
  watch: false