A collection of examples demonstrating then use of restaf in nodejs The demos cover typical SAS software usages - running datastep, running cas actions, accessing VA reports etc...
Please review the source code to see how restaf is used to achieve the desired goal with minimal coding.
git clone https://github.com/sassoftware/restaf-demos -b restaf-demos
cd restaf-demos
npm install
To run this application you need to do the following:
Ask your system administrator to give you a clientid and clientSecret appropriate for password flow.
A note on password flow: With the advent of TFA you should start transistioning away from using userid+password to run the examples in this repository. Instead use a saved token to execute these programs.
You can use the standard sas-cli.
sas-viya auth login
Or you can use the newer version which uses authorization_code flow to get the token
sas-viya auth loginCode
Save the token in some secure place (the .sas directory is a good place)
The .env file is the way to specify configurations.
VIYA_SERVER= <your viya server url : ex: http://myviya.sas.com>
# Preferred way
# TOKENFILE=<path to a persisted viya authentication token>
# ex: TOKENFILE=../../token
## Alternate setup: Will work until the use of password flow is phased out.
# CLIENTID=sas.ec
# USER=xxx
# if Viya server still has the unsigned certificate and your protocol is https
npm test testname
npm debug testname
Then use your favorite nodejs debugger. I use the chrome://inspect on Google chrome.
addServices - initialization of specific Viya Services
appdata - adding and retrieving app specific information from restaf
casds - executing datastep in CAS
casEcho - executing echo action
casFetch - fetching data from CAS
casSentiment - sentiment analysis in CAS
casSessions - creating CAS sessions
casTables - list fileinfo for all tables in all caslibs
casUpload - upload a csv file and operate on it
casUploadAstore - upload a astore to cas
casUploadImages - upload images to file service
computeds - execute a compute service
computedsEasy - accessing compute service using restaflib
logon - logon to a Viya server
paginate - paginate thru the file service and list the file names
reportElement - prints the named elements in a VA report
reportImage - generate an image(svg) for a report
reportList - list the names of all the reports
request - access an external url
submit - run a job in the background.
submitAction - run a cas job in the background
submitcasl - similar to submitAction for runcasl
reportList - list all the reports
These have been removed since they have not been kept up with changes to AWS serverless functions.