
This package is SCALARA GmbHs main UI elements

npm install @scalara/ui-core@1.2.8


SCALARA UI Repository

Git Flow

Instead of a single master branch, this workflow uses two branches to record the history of the project.

Development Branch

The development branch stores the wip for our internal dev team. It is the base for the Stage and Development environment.

Feature Branch

Each new feature should reside in its own branch, until its completion

$ git checkout development
$ git checkout -b feature_branch

After completion, the creator will issue a merge request into the Development Branch

$ git push -o merge_request.create -o merge_request.target=development

Conventions for Commits

commit message can be any arbitrary text that roughly describes what this commit will change when applied. Commit-messages are written in english and in imperative.

Examples of commits:

  • Add a check to avoid accessing an undefined object
  • Add a not yet functional delete-button to modals
  • Add rule to ban console.logs