Firast app
It's fully functional and designed to fit your needs. 🧬
This Firast app is a ready-to-use template for your app development.
Made with
Features • Installation • Contributing •
Features 1- Ready to use, secure authentication system with jwt
2- Pre routing enables you to set routing rules in the general settings section. It lets you create general settings that can be applied to multiple routers, and then specify the routing rules in the specific router.
3- Easy to use ORM to store, manage and develop your databases! fire
4- A pre-defined folder structure for you.(auth, controllers, models, routes , middlewares, utils, e.t.c.).
Your pre-configured eslint && prettier && jest && import resolve
...and much more! tada
5- A file called error that handles all the errors in your app on both operations or programming erros.
6- A file called ApiFeatures that make all the complex features for you such as: [filtering] using complex
queries using regular expressions , [LimitingFields] , [Sorting] and [pagination]
Installation From your terminal run:
$ npm install
Contributing Your contributions are always welcome!