
JSON File Based Database Inspired by Mongoose ODM

embeddable, lightweight, json, file based, db, database, mongoose, odm, suyotechdb, suyotech, nodejs, node
npm install @suyotech-dev/suyotechdb@0.0.1


suyotechdb - File-based JSON Database Inspired by Mongoose ODM with Zero Dependency

This repository provides a lightweight, file-based JSON database system inspired by Mongoose ODM. It allows you to model, store, and retrieve data using a schema-based approach similar to Mongoose, but all data is stored in local JSON files.

Developed by - suyotech.com

Table Of Contents


  • Zero Dependency
  • Schema-based data modeling
  • Simple CRUD operations
  • Validation and default values
  • File-based storage for easy setup and portability
  • All functions are syncronous. (Async not supported for easy usage)


To install the required dependencies, run:

npm install suyotechdb



const { Schema, Model } = require('suyotechdb');

const userSchema = new Schema({
  name: { type: String, required: true,default : "" },
  email: { type: String, required: true, default: "" },
  age: { type: Number, default: 18 },

// define database path where to save files
const database_path  = "./db"; 

const User =  new Model('users',database_path, userSchema);


import { Schema, Model } from 'suyotechdb' ;

const userSchema = new Schema({
  name: { type: String, required: true,default : "" },
  email: { type: String, required: true, default: "" },
  age: { type: Number, default: 18 },

//define database path where to save files
const database_path  = "./db"

const userModel =  new Model('users',databse_path, userSchema);

CRUD Operations


Use the createOne function to add a new item

  name : "suyog",
  email : "test@domain.com",
  age : 20,


Use the insertMany function to add a new item

const users = [
  name : "suyog",
  email : "test@domain.com",
  age : 20,
    name : "user2",
  email : "email@domain.com",
  age : 26,



Use the findOne function to find one document

const user = userModel.findOne({name : "suyog"})
console.log(user); // { id: ksldf09-ksdjflsd-sdkfsld, name: 'suyog',email : "suyog@gmail.com",age : 20 } 


Use the findAndDeleteOne to find first matching document and delelte.

const query = {name : "suyog"}
const result = userModel.findAndDeleteOne(query)
console.log(result) // deleted successfully


Use the findOneAndUpdate to find first matching docuemnt and update.

const query = {name : "suyog"}
cosnt updateData = {age : 30}
const result = userModel.findAndDeleteOne(query,updateData)
console.log(result) // updated successully


Use the udpateMany to find first matching docuemnt and update.

const query = {name : "suyog"}
cosnt updateData = {age : 30}
const result = userModel.updateMany(query,updateData)
console.log(result) // updated successully


Use the deleteMany to find first matching docuemnt and update.

const query = {name : "suyog"};
const result = userModel.deleteMany(query);
console.log(result) // updated successully


This is special query which can use many different chained operations

  • It supports following operation for query operators
    • $in - Finds value in field
    • $nin - Check not in values
    • $eq - Equals to
    • $ne - Not equals to
    • $gte - Greater Than
    • $lte - Less Than
  • Chained Functions
    • sort - Sort by given query
    • limit - Limits Documents
    • skip - Skips Documents
    • select - Select or deselect based value 0 or 1 respectively
    • distinct - Distinct Field Values
    • count - Count of find query result
    • exec - Function need after find or chained to return data.
const query  = {age  :{$gte: 10}}
const result = userModel
          .sort({name : 1})
          .select({name : 1})