
Just another SCSS/CSS framework.

css, scss, sass, theming, angular
npm install @unistylus/core@0.0.3



An SCSS/CSS theming system.

What is this?

This is just another UI framework that nobody want to use, but me, or isn't it?

It is an effort of balancing between convenience and customization.

If you want to build app that small, clean and have total control; or simply don't want to use other frameworks. You may give Unistylus a try:

  • 💚 Just standard HTML, CSS/SCSS & JS (when needed).
  • 🌓 Supports multiple skins in app runtime.
  • 👌 No icon fonts; only register whatever icons you ever need.
  • Imports just the parts you want.
  • 🔨 Customize to the bone, at microscopic level.
  • 🔌 Drop in replacement (-ish) for other frameworks.
  • 😍 A member of the Lam Nhan Ecosystem.

Install and usage


Install using npm:

# skins & mixins
npm install --save @unistylus/core

# soul
npm install --save @unistylus/bootstrap

Incuding skin(s) and soul:

// I. Choose a skin (or multiple skins)

//     1. Must has a default one (surfixed 'default')
@import '@unistylus/core/scss/skins/light-default';

//     2. And, other skins if you want
@import '@unistylus/core/scss/skins/dark';

// II. Choose a soul

//     1. (NOT RECOMMENDED) Include all parts (and variations)
@import '@unistylus/bootstrap/full';

//     2. (RECOMMENDED) Just the part you needed ('core.scss' is required)
@import '@unistylus/bootstrap/reset';
@import '@unistylus/bootstrap/core';
@import '@unistylus/bootstrap/content/typography';
@import '@unistylus/bootstrap/components/button';

To use minxins:

@import '@unistylus/core/scss/mixins';


Includes in your HTML:

<!-- I. Choose a skin (or multiple skins) -->

<!--     1. Must has a default one (surfixed 'default') -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@unistylus/core@latest/css/skins/light-default.min.css">

<!--     2. And, other skins if you want -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@unistylus/core@latest/css/skins/dark.min.css">

<!-- II. Choose a soul -->

<!--     1. (NOT RECOMMENDED) Include all parts (and variations) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@unistylus/bootstrap-css@latest/full.min.css">

<!--     2. (RECOMMENDED) Just the part you needed ('core.css/core.min.css' is required)  -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@unistylus/bootstrap-css@latest/reset.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@unistylus/bootstrap-css@latest/core.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@unistylus/bootstrap-css@latest/content/typography.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@unistylus/bootstrap-css@latest/components/button.min.css">



In the context of the Unistylus framework, these terms have their special meaning.

  • SKIN: a look of a UI (colors, sizes, fonts, ...)
  • SOUL: a feel of a UI (Bootstrap, Material, ...)
  • THEME: a combination of a SKIN (a look) or multiple skins + a SOUL (a feel)

Add new skins

Add this to the global style file (ex.: styles.scss for Angular apps):

[data-theme=name] {
  // add properties here

Apply app skins

Apply skin in runtime:

document.body.setAttribute('data-theme', 'name');

Use icons

Register icons globally, see theming/app.component.scss for example:

@import '@unistylus/core/scss/mixins';

$shared_icons: ();

$light_theme_icons: (
  menu: 'path/to/light/svg'

$dark_theme_icons: (
  menu: 'path/to/light/svg'

@include register_theme_icons(
    light: $light_theme_icons,
    dark: $dark_theme_icons,
    default: merge-map($shared_icons, $light_theme_icons),

To use registered icons, in component .html:

<i class="icon icon-menu"></i>

There are also built-in icon packs:

To access buit-in icon url, use the variable $[icon_pack]_icons:

@import '@unistylus/core/scss/mixins';

$light_theme_icons: (
  menu: '#{$bootstrap_icons}/light/list.svg'


Level 1

To customize a skin (see styles.scss for example). Place this under the skin imports:

@import 'path/to/a/skin';

[data-theme=name] {
  // place properties here

Level 2

To customize a soul, override its CSS:

@import 'path/to/a/soul';

.button {
  // override anything

Level 3

Provide you own skin and soul, overall its just HTML & CSS, so you can do whatever you want.

@import 'path/to/your/own/skin';
@import 'path/to/your/own/soul';


Builtin properties


  • --app-font-head: heading font, default: Arial, sans-serif
  • --app-font-body: body font, default: Arial, sans-serif
  • --app-font-quote: script & quote font, default: Times New Roman, cursive
  • --app-font-code: code font, default: Consolas, monospace


  • --app-size-font: body font size, default: 16px
  • --app-size-radius: radius size, default: 3px
  • --app-size-border: border size, default: 1px


Each supports 3 variants: contrast, shade and tint.

  • --app-color-primary: primary size, default: #3880ff
  • --app-color-secondary: secondary size, default: #3dc2ff
  • --app-color-tertiary: tertiary size, default: #5260ff
  • --app-color-success: success size, default: #2dd36f
  • --app-color-warning: warning size, default: #ffc409
  • --app-color-danger: danger size, default: #eb445a
  • --app-color-dark: dark size, default: #222428
  • --app-color-medium: medium size, default: #92949c
  • --app-color-light: light size, default: #f4f5f8
  • --app-color-background: background color
  • --app-color-foreground: foreground color


  • app-gradient-primary: primary gradient
  • ... same for other palettes.


  • app-recolor-primary: primary recolor
  • ... same for other palettes.

Custom properties

To add your own properties:

@import '@unistylus/core/scss/mixins';

$shared_properties: ();

$light_theme_properties: (
  foo: 'Foo',
  bar: 'Bar',

$dark_theme_properties: (
  foo: 'Foo',
  bar: 'Bar',

@include register_theme_properties(
    light: $light_theme_properties,
    dark: $dark_theme_properties,
    default: merge-map($shared_properties, $light_theme_properties),


See the list of mixins.


@unistylus/core is released under the MIT license.