
Utility functions for WarpJS and plugins

npm install @warp-works/warpjs-utils@2.0.8



Utility library for WarpJS and plugins.

Handlebars related

This package also contains the base views and templates for WarpJS.

const warpjsUtils = require('@warp-works/warpjs-utils');

app.set('view engine', 'hbs');
app.set('views', warpjsUtils.getHandlebarsViewsDir());

In webpack, you can define these for the helpers:

    test: /\.hbs$/,
    loader: 'handlebars-loader',
    query: {
        helperDirs: [
        partialDirs: [



Path to the folder containing the shared assets.

.byName(left, right)

Sort function that will order objects by their name.

.byPositionThenName(left, right)

Sort function that will order objects by their position, then name.

.compareIDs(id1, id2)

Check if id1 and id2 are equivalent. This converts each param into string to allow comparison of number and string values.

.createResource(reqOrPath, data)

Create a HAL object. reqOrPath is either the controller's req object when we want the _links.self.href to be defined by the current URL, or a string (potentially empty) to point to a specific URL. data is an object containing the HAL data. See HAL for more info about the returned object.


This method should be called by the portal pages or portal plugins in order to enable the common UI event handlers. $ is the jQuery object.

.getCurrentPageHAL($, [url])

Get the HAL for the current page. If url is passed, it will be used instead of the current page's URL.

.getHandlebarsHelpersDir(), .getHandlebarsPartialsDir(), .getHandlebarsViewsDir()

Function to return the path where the handlebars elements are. To be used with your webpack config or plugin apps to access common templates.



.sendError(req, res, RoutesInfo, err)

.sendHal(req, res, resource, RoutesInfo, [status])

Returns the endpoint resource as a HAL payload. status will be 200 if not defined.

.sendIndex(res, title, bundles, cssFile)

.toast.success($, text, [heading])


.trace(level, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

.urlFormat(pathname, query)


.wrapWith406(res, format)

Make sure a 406 is returned to client to block invalid methods.