A friendly UI framework which aims to be straightforward, intuitive, and high performance.

css, cssgrid, design-system, postcss, vue, wearegenki-ui, wearegenki, css-grid, marko
npm install @wearegenki/icons@0.11.0


IMPORTANT: This project has been deprecated, please use minna-ui, a new UI framework which is based on the next-gen version of @wearegenki/ui. It follows our decision at We Are Genki to transition our projects from Vue to Svelte.

Build status Coverage status NPM version NPM version beta Licence


A friendly UI framework which aims to be straightforward, intuitive, and high performance. Uses modern and futuristic tools and approach. Intended to be used in Vue projects or as standalone CSS.

NOTE: This is currently a work in progress and is not recommended for production applications... unless you love living on the bleeding edge!


The framework is designed around the types of projects we do at We Are Genki — ecommerce, microsites, and next-gen web apps — but are flexible enough for any web design use.


  • semi-flat design
  • microinteractions
  • high performance
  • universal design as a core concept



To see live examples and the docs, visit ui.wearegenki.com.

Quick start

1. Install dependencies

Choose one of the following:

# everything (not recommended but convenient for quick prototyping)
yarn install "@wearegenki/ui" vue vue-router vuex \
  && yarn install -D postcss eslint stylelint jest puppeteer vue-server-renderer vue-template-compiler

# development configuration files only
yarn install -D "@wearegenki/dev" "@wearegenki/test" eslint stylelint jest puppeteer

# CSS + compilation only
yarn install "@wearegenki/css" \
  && yarn install -D "@wearegenki/postcss-config" postcss

# all Vue.js packages (includes CSS)
yarn install "@wearegenki/ui-vue" vue vue-router vuex \
  && yarn install -D "@wearegenki/ui" "@wearegenki/test-vue" postcss eslint stylelint jest vue-server-renderer vue-template-compiler

2. Copy config boilerplate

# get latest copy of the repository
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/WeAreGenki/ui.git <TEMPORARY_LOCATION>

# copy configuration files
cp -r <TEMPORARY_LOCATION>/docs/examples/boilerplate-configs/. <YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION>

See config boilerplate readme for more tips.

Browser compatibility

Because this framework uses CSS Grid Layout it's limited to browsers that support it, which currently include:

  • Chrome for Android 61
  • Android browser 56
  • iOS Safari 10.3
  • Chrome 57
  • Firefox 52
  • Safari 10.1
  • Edge 16
  • Opera 46

NOTE: Older browser compatibility via progressive fallback is planned and will be added in the near future.

Known issues

Builds are designed to run on *nix systems and may fail on Windows machines.




@wearegenki/ui is an Apache-2.0 licensed open source project. See LICENCE.

© 2018 We Are Genki