
Helper components for generating @yr/component containers that can efficiently respond to data updates

npm install @yr/connect-component@1.0.0-beta.1


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Helper components for generating @yr/component containers that can efficiently respond to data updates.


const { connect, Provider, select, Subscription } = require('@yr/connect-component');
const { define, el, render } = require('@yr/component');

const data = { bar: 'bar' };
const subscription = new Subscription(data);
const root = document.getElementById('root');
const barSelector = (context, props) => {
  return context.data.bar;
const App = connect(select([barSelector], ([bar], context, props) => {
  return {
    text: bar
    render(props, state, context) {
      return el('div', null, props.text);
const AppProvider = Provider.create();

render(el(AppProvider, { data, subscription }, el(App)), root);
//=> <div>bar</div>

data.bar = 'foo';
//=> <div>foo</div>



Provider is a higher-order component used to define the shape and content of the context object passed to it's children. By default, it defines both data and subscription, though additional custom properties can also be defined.

create(contextShape: Object): Class

Create component definition with contextShape, then pass their implementation as render props:

const { PropTypes } = require('@yr/component');

const App = define({
  render(props, state, { data, locale }) {
    return el('div', null, `${data.bar} ${locale.foo}`)
const AppProvider = Provider.create({ locale: PropTypes.object });
const locale = {
  foo: 'le foo'

render(el(AppProvider, { data, locale }, el(App)), root);
//=> <div>bar le foo</div>


Instances of Subscription are simple event dispatchers used to notify container components about potential data changes.

constructor(data: Object): Subscription

Instantiate instance with a reference to a data object:

const subscription = new Subscription(data);


Notify all container components about potential data changes.

After a Subscription instance has been passed to Provider, calling notify() will signal to all connected container components that data has been updated:

data.bar = 'foo';

// Or wire automatically to a complex data object:
data.onUpdate(() => {


The connect() factory function allows a component to be wrapped in a container component that will efficiently re-render based on data updates.

connect(generateProps: (context: Object, props: Object) => Object): (ComponentToWrap) => Class

Create container component factory that will pass the results of generateProps to it's wrapped component.

generateProps will be passed the current context, and any passed props:

const ContainerFactory = connect((context, props) => {
  return {
    foo: context.data[props.id]

Invoking the factory with a component definition (ComponentToWrap) will return a new container component definition:

const Container = ContainerFactory(
    render(props, state, context) {
      return el('div', null, props.foo);

Instances of this container are responsible for controlling whether ComponentToWrap should render based on the results of invoking generateProps. If the props returned by generateProps have not changed since the last update, ComponentToWrap will not be re-rendered.

select(inputSelectors: Array<(context, props) => any>, computeResult: (inputs: Array, context: Object, props: Object) => Object): (context, props) => Object

Create a generateProps function, based on one or more input selector functions, that will return cached results if passed the same props and if all input selector functions return the same values:

const userSelector = (context, props) => {
  return context.data[props.id];
const generateProps = select([userSelector], ([user], context, props) => {
  return {
const results1 = generateProps({ data }, { id: 'foo' });
const results2 = generateProps({ data }, { id: 'foo' });
console.log(results1 === results2); //=> true